
How nobody seems to know? i need help in getting into anursing home/assited living im very injured but im 51 /handicapped and disabled i cannot perform everyday living things charles

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Diana, the number glad gave u is correct they also have an 800 number 800-497-0822 that is department on aging. Now for department of soical services call 855-373-4636 you can inquire there about adult foster care homes for the elderly. They also have a program in MO called health net program. It may be something that will be of help to you. If original poster could let us know his state we may be able to provide info for him also. Hope this helps.
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Southwest Missouri Office on Aging

1735 S. Fort Avenue
Springfield, MO 65807

Call: (417) 862-0762
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Call the Area Agency on Aging in your area.
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An adult foster home my be a good option for you. What state do you live in? There are many very nice ones and you can usually get placement in one through you department of human resources.
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The first place would be your local Office of Aging, they can really look at your situation and income and let you know what is available. The Office of Aging is usually at your courthouse.
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I don't think I can add anything from the above posts other than if you have a pastor, trusted....key word is "trusted" friend or family member that can help you sort all these things out. Lots of paper work but don't let that discourage you. A elder care attny or social worker can help you also. Sounds like you really need some help so don't be discouraged with everything. just find someone that you can trust to help you sort things out. Good luck and God Bless.
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Are you already receiving disability benefits? If so, then you should be entitled to certain programs, facilities, resources, etc. All of the referrals above are good, but in my state, each county's Dept of Social Services processes most all request for assistance. If they can't provide it, they can tell you who to contact.
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You are right ferris1. You need to contact social security. Explain your case and ask that want apply for SSI or disability. If you qualify will also get Medicaid full. Once you are in then you can possibly qualify for programs under Medicaid for nursing home or at home services. But would be good to call your local Agency on Aging. They give consultation and can transfer you to the correct agencies to call for help. Hope you can get it!
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Apply for Social Security disability. Have your doctor sign the necessary forms and you will get an amount based on the state where you live. Even though you are not 65 yrs., you can still get disability and don't let anyone tell you you cannot. Talk with Social Security. Good luck!
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Would you be eligible for veterans benefits? Spouse that was in the service? Even an ex may qualify you. The Area Agency on Aging is an excellent resource. Also call the Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).
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Call A Place for Mom. They are very helpful
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Ask your primary doctor to help direct you to a list of continuing care facilities, or if you are a senior citizen, contact your local agency on aging in your city/county. I believe if you have major mobile issues that Assisted Living wouldn't be able to offer you the daily help that you need.
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