
I am quite sure I’m nearing the finish line with Mom.

Eating stopped over a week ago, in bed all the time, very little drinking, mucus here and there, she talks nonstop in her sleep, yelling out for those who have passed......

Mom will be the 4th one I have been with when they passed. All circumstances different.

I’m learning forgiveness.

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Get help, hon. I know you are hospice, but get all the troops in you can when you are in a battle for survival. It is always good to hear from you. Heart and thoughts out to you.

I am hospice.....:)

Took care of my daughter who could do nothing.
This is alright for me.
Thanks for responding.

This isn’t hard on me.
Well, the interruptions during the night are a little stressful.

But, I’m feeling, I have to let go of the anger in my heart.

Arimethea, I am so sorry to hear this news. Do you have hospice with you both now?

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