Narcissism in the Elderly

  • A Guide to Caring for Narcissistic Parents

    Narcissists have a limited ability to love other people and value their emotions. Accepting this reality will help you come to terms with your uniquely difficult caregiving role and set boundaries with your narcissistic mother or father.

  • Elderly Temper Tantrums: What's Behind the Outburst?

    We tend to think of temper tantrums as only pertaining to small children or teens, but even the elderly act out at times. Learn what's behind these angry outbursts and how to best handle them without losing your own temper.

  • Detaching With Love: Setting Boundaries With Difficult Elderly Parents

    Whether you're providing hands-on care or managing care decisions, setting boundaries with difficult elderly parents enables family caregivers to provide care while safeguarding their own mental health.

  • Caring for Aging Parents Who Didn’t Care for You

    For those who endured abusive and neglectful childhoods, caring for elderly parents can reopen old wounds and cause new trauma. Choosing whether to participate in a parent's care is tough, but you do have options.

  • Caregivers Can Be Abused, Too

    Although elderly and disabled individuals are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, family caregivers can also be targets of physical and emotional mistreatment. What can a caregiver do when they are being victimized by their care recipient?

  • Forgiving Your Parent for How They Treated You in the Past

    How do caregivers who were neglected or abused find it in themselves to forget the past, and care for their elderly family member?

  • Find Care & Housing
  • "I Love My Mom But I Don't Like Her."

    We may love our parents because they are family, but that doesn't necessarily mean we like them as people. When caregiving responsibilities fall to you, how do you take care of parents who you don't like?

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