Sandwich Generation

  • Sandwich Generation Caregivers: Pulled in Too Many Directions

    Being a parent or a caregiver is demanding enough, but when someone assumes both of these roles (sometimes in addition to working), the result can be daunting. It is vital that caregivers acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses and ask for help.

  • The Sandwich Generation Faces Increasing Levels of Caregiver Burden

    Members of the sandwich generation care for a combination of young kids, aging parents, adult children, grandparents and even grandchildren. Their situations may vary, but the one thing these caregivers have in common is their need for more support.

  • A Story from the Sandwich Generation: Caring for Kids and Parents

    When I first heard the term “Sandwich Generation,” it didn’t occur to me that I was a member of this commendable group. I survived caring for multiple seniors, raising my children and working all at once.

  • 9 Ways Caring for Parents is Different From Caring for Children

    Many people mistakenly compare child rearing to caring for an aging parent, but, as many caregivers know, these two tasks couldn’t be more different.

  • Is Caring for Aging Parents More Stressful Than Getting Divorced?

    When an aging loved one's health begins to fail, families are confronted by a variety of challenging decisions. Making care decisions for aging parents has been identified as a significant life stressor.

  • 5 Fabulous Sandwich Recipes to Honor the Sandwich Generation

    Try these delicious recipes to celebrate the men and women who pull double-duty, attending to the needs of aging parents while raising their own children and oftentimes juggling a career.

  • 5 Questions to Determine the Impact of Caregiving

    Many of us dive into caregiving with full hearts and little forethought. Doing some honest soul searching can help you sort out your priorities, set goals for your loved one’s care and establish your own boundaries.

  • 8 Ways to Stop Caregiver Stress Now

    Has being a family caregiver affected your mental health? Take these simple steps to reduce your stress levels, beat caregiver burnout, and improve your quality of life.

  • Am I Ready for This? Attending a Caregiver Support Group

    Family caregivers face difficult emotional and logistical challenges while caring for aging and ill loved ones. You’ve probably heard the suggestion to seek out a caregiver support group, but what exactly does that entail and is it a good fit for you?

  • Social Workers Support Seniors and Their Caregivers

    It is crucial for seniors and their family members to fully utilize all resources available to them. Social workers are an excellent source of support and guidance for those dealing with medical issues, caregiving and the end of life.

  • Tips for Family Caregivers Who Are Considering Leaving Their Job

    More than half of all caregivers are balancing care responsibilities and a job. Many are juggling caring for their own children as well. At some point, the question arises: should you quit your job?

  • How to Stay Sane During the Holidays as a Sandwich Generation Caregiver

    For the sandwich generation, the holiday season can be more stressful than joyful, especially when everyone is looking to you for goodies, gifts, entertainment and care. Use these pointers to balance caregiving, family and holiday traditions.

  • Balancing Elder Care With Other Relationships

    Whether you are brand new to caregiving or you’ve been in the trenches for months, it’s never too late to reevaluate your priorities, set some boundaries to achieve a better balance in your life and repair relationships with the people you care about

  • Family Caregivers Bear the Burden of High Elder Care Costs

    A survey of family caregivers shows that the costs of caring for aging parents has a significant financial impact that could derail everyday budgeting and retirement planning for adult children.

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