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Red, yellow and some white tulips.
The zinnias, are just seedlings starting, we can't put much outside for a few more weeks here.. I like the zinas , cuz I can cut them put them inside, or give them to someone that needs a pick me up. I love sunflowers, also have some teddy bear sunflowers, never planted them before so will see. Marigolds, are just so darn easy to grow and a good filller


I usually see hummingbirds in my backyard. I love them. I am amazed at how fast their tiny wings can flutter in mid air!

Zinnias are so vivid and bright. What color tulips and zinnias do you have?

When my daughter was driving back home from Denver she said that she saw fields of gorgeous sunflowers in Kansas.

Needs, I heard the hummingbirds are on there way north, and to get the feeders ready. Are they down your way ?

Nice on the peppers, I got some zinas, and sunflowers, under heat lamps. And marigolds


Tulips 🌷 are so pretty! I love watching birds and butterflies in my yard. The squirrels are fun to watch also.

My peppers are growing. I’m hoping they will produce lots of bell peppers 🫑! I want to plant green onions soon too.

My tulips are out 🤗, and I have a family of cardinals some place close by. Mommy and daddy are taking there turns on the feeder


My brother is going to plant lettuce too. He’s doing great with his hydroponic garden.

He has a beautiful aquarium with fish in it. He bought another tank to do his gardening.

I am jealous of his success! My green peppers are growing but at a much slower rate.

Hydroponic systems are fascinating but they mostly seem to be much too complicated/scientific for me, but I do have ambitions to try to grow some lettuce with a DIY Kratky system someday.

I’m growing peppers in a pot in my backyard. Well, my brother decided to grow peppers in an aquarium in his house. He already has peppers on his plants!

I know nothing about growing vegetables in water. Supposedly, they grow three times faster in water. He also has herbs planted in his aquarium. No fish in this aquarium, just plants!

I got my indoor grow light out and set up yesterday, and got a bunch of flower seeds. 🤗 Makes me happy to play in dirt again.

I just bought a new Christmas cactus. My only other one is from a cutting I took from one my son had, mine lived and his is now dead. My mother always had them, I so remember her putting hers in a closet every fall when she wanted them to bloom. The darkness always brought on so many blooms.

It was surprising to me when a tiny Christmas cactus survived for a year, then flourished on my front porch.
My dH waters it-he is frugal.

I see it every day out there.
It is encouraging, and I remember the neighbor who gave the blue floral planter to me when they moved.

Not really gardening but we have a starling problem, they are annoying and not attractive to look at, take over the bird feeder.

Anyways last year a starling built a nest on my porch. I put my Christmas cactus on the porch.

The cactus flourished , double in size and I ended up with the most beautiful Halloween cactus I've ever seen. One other house plant really grew too.

So that's where my house plants are going from now on , when the weather permits

I need to buy some soil too, cw.

I just bought new clay pots at the garden center for my porch and patio. Now I need to purchase the soil and plants!

I just pulled my summer bulbs (cannas, dahlias and glads) out of storage and the poor things are in an advanced state of growth. I'm going to put them out in my garden shed to try and hold them back until I can pot them up, garden centres aren't even open yet and I'll need new soil to do that.

Helps me in a few ways, making something live and grow is so satisfying, also i grow legal cannabis, so that helps my anxiety too.

My dormant orchid has started blooming again. Yay!


I buy a lot of Bob’s Red Mill products. Love their oatmeal, polenta and cream of wheat.


Sounds delicious, plus it was a fun activity for your family to share together. I guess seeds have protein like nuts do. I love poppy seeds in muffins. I get those at the coffee shop sometimes.

My neighbor buys bird seed for the birds. He builds beautiful bird houses. He has a beautiful garden.

My grandma made homemade ice cream that was the best! Sometimes she made peach or strawberry ice cream too. She mostly made vanilla.

We loved doing that. Grandma had a fig tree in her backyard. She made preserves for us. The neighbor had a pecan tree and they swapped the figs for pecans. Grandpa made pralines with the pecans.

Fond childhood memories.

Pepitas are shelled, just like sunflower seeds are shelled. I think eating the shells is like chewing on flavoured particle board, but you for sure do get lots of fiber 🤣


I buy the seeds but I think it would be a special treat as a kid if mom is doing it!


Buy some pumpkin seeds to enjoy even though they won’t be the same vibe as eating them the same way that your mom did them.

My mom, grandmother and aunt picked crabs to make stuffed crabs. They were amazing! Our moms had a lot of patience, didn’t they?

Pumpkin patches are fun to see this time of year. I still watch the Charlie Brown Halloween special on television every year like I did as a kid. The Christmas one too.

IMO peeling pumpkin seeds is tedious and totally not worth it, especially when you can go to the store and buy ready to eat pepitas.


I love pumpkin seeds. So, do you buy a fresh pumpkin and remove the seeds to roast them? I just buy a bag of roasted pumpkin seeds. They are delicious.

I have been buying large bags of almonds and making my own almond butter. Super easy to do. I put a spoon of almond butter in my oatmeal with a spoon of maple syrup and a splash of almond milk.

It’s my favorite way to eat oatmeal.

I tried to cut a jack o lantern once and made a huge mess! LOL 😆

Occasionally, I buy pumpkins for decorating. I have never bought one to cook. I wouldn’t have any idea what to do with it. I would need to do some research.

I buy canned pumpkin to make pumpkin bread. I have never made a pumpkin pie. There is an ice cream place near me that does seasonal ice creams. Oh my gosh, the pumpkin one tastes like frozen pumpkin pie. It’s delicious.

I never drink pumpkin spice lattes. I hate flavored coffees. In my opinion they are for people who don’t like the taste of coffee.

Once in awhile I buy pumpkin or sunflower seeds to sprinkle on top of salads.

It was my temporary avatar for 30 min. last night, I don't think anyone saw it. A photo of a baby sitting inside a pumpkin.

Our weather is so crazy that plants don’t know when to bloom! Hahaha 🤣

How do you "find" a pumpkin? Are your neighbours pranking you?

Found a punkin in the garden.

The other day R noticed an apple tree that had both apples and apple blossoms on it. That's a first!

i noticed this weekend I had lilies blooming that normally bloom in the spring.

My lilacs are blooming! wth?

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