My mother-in-law did not renew her driver's license (thankfully) over 2 years ago. She did not apply for a state ID and her passport expired over 2 years ago. We applied for a new birth certificate since our state (MI) requires one with a raised seal. Unfortunately NY provided us with a "certified" copy. We are still waiting for the marriage certificate that we requested in October as she has to account for her name change. NY state states we should get it in FEBRUARY. Both of these cost $$.
In the meantime, she can not fly, bank and could technically be denied healthcare.
Please spread the word how important it is to get an ID. It is much cheaper than a driver's license if you take care of it right away.
Yea, a renewal is super simple. You can download any form for the passport nowadays. Which makes it nice. We scheduled to get the pictures and send them off at our local college, all of 10 minutes and we were on our way. We don't let ours expire, so I have no idea about that but, 15 years, wow!
You are right, it would have been faster then this song and dance she is being put through.
But my husband didn't fly at all, so we didn't have to worry about that, and I had taken over all our banking since he had his stroke in 1996.
The important thing I see here is not so much having an ID but making sure important papers are kept secure, like a fire safe box.
Bravo that your Mom-in-law still travels being she is in her late 80's. I can see why she would need current photo ID's.