
To all: A friend with chronic immune suppression due to Lupus just got a stroke. Only in her 40s, she went right away to the ER because she is so savvy re all medical issues, and a severe headache with elevated pressure in someone normally chronically low pressured served as warning enough. After a CT scan she was given tPA clot buster EARLY (luckily) but there were no ICU beds meaning all were filled with Covid-19 patients (this is in Texas in a very large university hospital). She waited in ER for 27 hours and was monitored, but getting tPA is very dangerous (think hemorrhage) and many mistakes were made that she was aware of. They were very understaffed. She then scored a bed in their Neuro-ICU (a 12 unit ICU in which 7 of the patients were Covid patients with the staff treating both Covid-19 positive patients and negative patients in the same unit). My friend is triple vaccinated already due to her status. She remains in ICU now, this having happened a week ago on Sunday. She is doing OK and will be released early this week if all continues well. What she has seen and experienced would fill a book, she says.
May this serve as a warning. In some parts of our country the hospitals are completely clogged with Covid-19 patients. This is in the areas, of course, where there are a lot of anti-vaccers. If you live in such an area please do all you can to stay well; be extra careful with yourself and try not to end up in an ER with these folks. Take care of your own health, and whatever mandates are or are not in your area do protect yourselves and those you love the best you can.

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10 hours ago
Twitter labeled this woman's death as misinformation.

Agree with you cwillie. Circular debate is pointless.

The tragic story about Jessica Wilson, however, has many points that should make people think.

Point one, big tech censorship. Twitter not only labeled her death as misinformation but also shaddowbaned her relative's account. Twitter is so wrong.

Point two, J&J vaccines have been known to cause blood clots and the FDA at one point stopped them, but then re-approved then again. The FDA is wrong.

Point three, Jessica Wilson was forced to take the vaccine to keep her job. She died because of it. The vaccine mandate is wrong.

Point four, she died because of the vaccine but the CDC will count her death as UN-vaccinated because it didn't meet their twisted definition of being fully vaccinated. CDC is wrong.

Point five, the giant Johnson and Johnson pharmaceutical will NOT be held accountable for Jessica Wilson "s death because they are indemnified from any damages caused by their vaccines.

This is a wrongful death caused by a dangerous vaccine without any accountability from the big pharm,, mandated by the totalitarian government, denied by CDC, and then censored by the big tech.

The severe adverse effects of AZ and J&J are documented and tragic and nobody is trying to deny them. The cases of young healthy parents dying from the disease are also documented and tragic and unfortunately are occurring at a much higher rate than deaths and injury from the vaccine.

(I really hesitated before posting as I don't want to be drawn into one of those pointless circular debates I keep bumping into whenever I visit American social media 🤔)

Twitter labeled this woman's death as misinformation.

Jessica Berg Wilson of Seattle, 37 years old, got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on Aug. 27 and died 12 days later on Sept. 7, according to local officials. Her official cause of death is VITT which stands for Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia, which are severe blood clots that can form after the COVID vaccines.

Jessica was forced to take the vaccine to keep her job. She left behind a husband and 2 young children.

Interestingly, according to the definition of being fully vaccinated, Jessica would be considered UN-vaccinated since she died before the 2 weeks wait period after taking the vaccine.

Hoping your skin check is clear and treatment is successful lealonnie

lealonnie - so sorry to hear that your skin condition is malignant. Here's hoping for the best.

Thank you ALL for being civil on this thread.

It's not considered being an 'anti-vaxxer' to not want an experimental shot to be pumped into one's body. Sorry. Using that sort of inflammatory lingo is inappropriate here and everywhere. Stirring up more hatred for those who CHOOSE not to take a shot which is not a vaccine to begin with is causing such division and ugliness in this country, it's horrible.

It's not the government's job to protect my health. It's the government's job to protect my rights. It's my job to protect my health. When you trade liberty for safety, you end up losing both.

Hospitals that are clogged are clogged with sick people who have been vaxxed as well as un vaxxed. The unvaxxed are not making anyone sick. Vaxxed people are getting pretty sick on their own, and dying too, as much as our government, the CDC and the VAERS reporting system is trying to cover it up.

What should 'serve as a warning' is that these jabs are causing cancers, auto immune diseases, blood clots and lots of other rare health issues by the droves.

PolarBear: My odd skin condition IS malignant melanoma which is being further excised tomorrow. Nobody will ever convince me this entire situation did not arise FROM the Moderna jabs I took in April. I am also having a full body check to make sure more do not exist, since I've had quite a few of these moles BLOW UP and generate odd pimples on them since being jabbed

Thank you, AlvaDeer, for the information and reminders! I am glad you are still with us here on AgingCare. Have a nice day. 🧸️

And I hope your friend gets well.

I very much like to make my own choice, cwillie, if the totalitarian governments that I live under will stay out of my way.

You can make your own choices polarbear. While you see nefarious intent what I am seeing is a great leap forward and terrific possibilities.


Why should I trust this new and experimental invention with my life? Unless I am old or sick and got nothing to lose? More testing is needed, and so far, many test subjects have died and many more reported serious side effects. And no investigations.

Remember, the big pharms are indemnified from any damages resulting from their vaccines. That alone should give anyone pause.

I'm sorry the new mRNA treatments frighten so many people, I for one was ecstatic with the progress we've made as I've followed the development of this technology in treating cancers (specifically glioblastoma since that is what killed my brother). Imagine the ability to train our own immune system to "see" tumours as a threat!!!

ff- I have no problem with other vaccines either. I took those as recommended by my PCP. I am not anti vaccines.

As we get older our immune system slows down, so we will be facing a lot of different vaccines, such as pneumonia shots/booster.... Shingles shot/booster.... I had a Hep something or other vaccine ... flu shots [over 40 years worth] ... and now my doctor is suggesting the Whooping Cough vaccine.

My late folks, who lived into their late 90's, had all those shots and did fine. In fact, I cannot recall ever seeing them even having a cold when they were older. And here they did volunteer work at a regional hospital for over 20 years.

Just food for thought.

GA - I never used JJ powder, fortunately.

ff- For polio and small pox: both vaccines are in the form of either dead or weak viruses. They are injected to get our bodies to produce anti-bodies against those same viruses.

On the other hand, COVID vaccines don't use dead or weak COVID virus. They use "messenger RNA technology" which when injected,

tells our cells to PRODUCE something that mimics a partial COVID virus (BIG DIFFERENCE HERE)

then the body goes to attack the partial virus.

Now, our bodies have the gene technology to PRODUCE the partial virus, and ATTACK it. Pfizer's own data shows that the injections don't stay in the arms, but travel to different organs in the body. For women, a percentage of the vaccine travel to the reproductive organ. Is it a coincidence when many women report that they stop having periods soon after getting vaxxed? No one is looking into these cases. Same goes for the numerous heart inflammation reactions also soon after getting vaxxed.

These need to be investigated, but the politicians and big pharms are too busy pushing vaccines on everyone from 5 y.o. up. SCARY.

Polar, another very good reason to avoid the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is b/c of its history of alleged ignorance and/or denial of the effect of asbestos in baby powder, sometimes used by women.    If you're not familiar with the issue, this is a good synopsis:

polarbear, I just saw your most recent posting. I can fully understand if you are unable to take the vaccine. I am pill sensitive so it is always a challenge when it comes to vaccines or meds.

Imagine during the small pox vaccine and the polio vaccine if everyone didn't roll up their sleeve for the cause. We would still be dealing with those dreadful diseases.

You mentioned a half million reported side effects, I wouldn't be surprised if people reported a sore arm after getting a shot. Who doesn't get a sore arm? Feeling tired after the shot? It's the norm, it let's one know that your immune system is working. A fever afterwards? Ditto.

Read the paperwork that comes with your prescription meds. It's enough to make one go screaming into the night. If the prescription helps with whatever health issue, then that's a positive.

Anyway, I have had all 3 covid shots. And I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Freedom to know I am safe to venture out among people and not worry about getting a bed in the ICU due to covid or dying from covid.

I do worry about getting a non-covid related health emergency, such as a stroke or heart attack, and not getting a bed in the ICU. You should be worried, too.

FF, I had a consult with my Primary doctor about the vaccines several months ago. I have a rare case of something (no name that I know of) whereas my platelet count is so low some years it could not be detected when I took the annual blood test. My doctor advised against the JJ vaccine because of known blood clotting side effects. She does NOT know if Pfizer’s and Moderna have those effects in the long run. This was back in Spring when I talked to my MD. Since then, I have read many reports of blood clotting problems resulting from P and M vaccines. So, I can not take the vaccines.

If the vaccines were safe for me and protect me against COVID, why would I refuse them? I am not crazy. I want to live just like everyone else.

Among our own members, at least 2 have had bad side effects:

Stacy stopped having her period soon after her vaccines. She said her doctor did tests and said it was a side effect of the vaccines. What do you think will happen to women’s and young girls’ fertility 5, 10, 20 years later?

lealonnie developed strange skin condition that her doctor has never seen before in his 15 years of practice. She said it looked like cancer.

there are over half a million reports of side effects already.

The power that be does not investigate and sweeps everything under the rug.

What do those people at the Mayo Clinic and the likes know anything about the negative side effects since no one is doing any investigation into those cases? NOTHING.

As for the website asking for donations, do you think that what their motivation is? They get no $$ from advertisers unlike other bloggers. The big techs shut them down, limit their access. They have to ask for donations to support their operations. No one has to give a dime to read their information.

How about the whistleblower doctors and nurses? They are not asking for anything but to be heard.

Wake up people. Big pharms and politicians stand to gain BILLIONS of dollars on your health and lives. Remember, big pharms will NOT be hold responsible for any deaths or injuries caused by their vaccines.

PolarBear, most of my life I have been doing information research. What I do when I venture into a new website is to read "about us", the folks that are bringing you the website.

I did that with the website you recommended. I found it said "We are the official blog of COVID Legal USA. Truth about COVID vaccines and the severe adverse effects thereof are censored on mainstream and social media."

Then I checked "about us" for COVID Legal USE. It is not a law firm, and that site is asking for donations.

It is far better to check out Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, WebMD, National Institute of Health, and by asking your own primary doctor when you have questions about Covid, Delta variant, or Mu variant [thankfully that variant is disappearing], and questions about the vaccines.

Please keep an open mind.

Log into

thecovidblog dot com

to see for yourself long list of stories with names and faces (many are well known or are public figures). All either died or have developed horrible side effects very soon after the vaccines.

The politicians, and big pharms have do not want to investigate any reported adverse side effect cases. Reason: billions of dollars in sales and profits, and political contributions combined. They also gain control and power over hundred of millions of people in the US, and billions worldwide.

Whistle blowers, nurses and doctors who refuse the vaccines, on the other hand risk their own livelihood to tell the truth about the vaccines . They have NO financial gain.

People who suffer the side effects have no financial gain but risk ridicule telling their stories.

Media and Social media shut down and silence any voice that dare to oppose the power that be.

We all want to live and be safe. Why would some people risk their careers, licenses, reputation, livelihood, while gain nothing financially to speak up about the deadly side effects of the vaccines? Don’t you at least should read these reported cases before sweeping them under the rug like the politicians and big pharms want you to do?

SP19690, are you a nurse?  or other med pro??    You seem to be well acquainted with ICU ops.

Thanks GardenArtist. My friend expects to return home early in the week.
And sp, I appreciate your input and hope under private messaging you will link me any info you can find of clots and Covid vaccines. I did find one and am certain my friend will now enter the annals of the research. I was completely unaware of this phenomenon.
My friend is a "three shot person" with Pfizer due to her underlying auto immune illnesses.
As to the ER in this area of Texas, yes, it is Covid UNvaccinated over 90%, and yes, their ICUs are completely overwhelmed in this huge University Hospital in a very liberal city in Texas, and they are very open about publishing the numbers. Again, I would love your new information about evidence of clot following shots. I am always open to hearing all sides.
Certainly it is our choice to get vaccinated or not, and I am beyond thrilled that all in my family and extended family have taken the vaccine and while one person did get Covid-19 following vaccination he was virtually asymptomatic except for the warning loss of taste and smell for a few days.
Again, my message is for all to try to stay well. The hospitals are publishing the numbers on those hospitalized and with what, so that is no mystery. We have lost more than 700,000 now. Most of them of Covid-19 pneumonia.
Another friend had to wait for her breast cancer surgery almost a month after finding out she has two kinds of cancer, one in each breast. She lives in Florida. After a bit under a month she did receive her surgery.
So again, all stay well as you can, and hope you don't need medical right now and for the duration.
I am very sorry that this is so in the realm of the "political". As I said I am always open to the science and research.
To all, stay well as you can.

Maybe your triple vaccinated friend should research blood clots among the vaccinated. The spike protein creates the clots. Lizbitty's fully vaccinated father also had a stroke and my uncle had a stroke after his second shot of Pfizer. Please stop blaming the unvaccinated for the backups in the ICU. As a general rule it is normal for the ICU to be at full capacity. The biggest issue is staff shortages so they cannot legally have patients in the ICU without
Nurses to monitor them. I am not going to get into it all here but things are not as they seem.

Alva, thanks for sharing this. I've been aware of the dangers (but also the beneits of tPA (I watch Untold Stories of the ER!). My niece has also shared information on the drug.

I am appalled and angry that someone who needed immediate medical treatment had to wait 27 hours before getting a room, but at least the drug was administered quickly.

W/o getting into a political discussion, it's a tragedy that people who really need help aren't able to get as much as possible b/c of other's ignorance (not mental, but actionable) of the need to care for oneself.

I firmly and adamantly feel that a military type triage needs to be implemented in hospitals filled with COVID patients, but that also can open hospital administrators to claims, some frivolous, as they're put in a situation of choosing who needs care the most.

Perhaps your friend SHOULD write a book, or perhaps share her story with various medical institutions so that it can be published, and perhaps generate discussion. Or like many of the talking heads, she could try to get a tv interview, which probably would reach more people, more quickly.

I do hope she heals as well as she is now, and that she soon will be released, well healed, and able to be back at home, safely.

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