
Trading his meds for meth
well what he don’t sell
he sells most trades some for meth and herion To me if he can smoke meth and do herion he can get a job
then there’s people out here that need help that REALLY need help can’t get nothing it’s sad

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Forgive my ignorance, but if your uncle is on hospice care, how do you expect him to WORK?
Helpful Answer (4)

Fifteen years ago I had a neighbor whose wife was at home on hospice care for colon cancer. He used to sell her painkillers and time release opiate patches to buy himself meth. He was always trying to get her more painkillers so he could sell it. She died pretty badly.

People do crazy things for drugs.
Helpful Answer (2)

I have read both of your postings. I assume you don't like some of the blunt responses you have gotten.

The question would be why is Uncle under Hospice care? Is it in his home and if so, who is overseeing his care when the Hospice nurse or aide is not present? Is he in a facility?

When a person is placed on Hospice its determined, by a doctor, that the person has 6 months to live. There have been people on Hospice longer than that. The person excepting Hospice is made aware that any medications they have been taking that is prolonging life, will be stopped. There are meds they can be left on. Morphine is given for pain and for ease of breathing. The family is taught how to administer it.

Then there is HIPPA. HIPPA protects the privacy of a person's medical info. That person designates the people/doctors/agencies that he/she allows to see their medical records. So in Uncles situation, you can call the Hospice and report him but they can give you no info.

Hospice pays for depends, Medications and the service. If there are other family members helping him, by reporting him you are effecting others. Without Hospice someone has to care for him.
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As long as you are not the one providing him care nor the one giving him money, I can't see how it's any of your business.
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Karen: Welcome to Forum.
There are laws that make medical care private to the individual receiving it. You might want to look up HIPAA rules; I have a link below to the .Gov site:
As a retired RN I can tell you that patients often become involved with illegal drugs to "self medicate" when they are in pain. Once they are addicted it is, I am afraid, only when they themselves seek help can be any real help for them.
You do, as does the general public, have access to the Police authorities in your area. You can report use or abuse you may know of should you feel that is necessary.
Drug use and abuse is rampant now in our country; I am sorry it has touched your family, and sorry your uncle is in Hospice care.
I noted your question on another thread as to how to report comments to the admins on this page. You will see at the bottom right of any post response to you a little "report" in area with an exclamation point. If you press on that the admins will be very responsive to review the response, and remove it if they feel it is inappropriate.
Best to you.
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Well, do not think the he can work. He won't, because he's an addict whose life is narcotics. The problem with drug addicts is that they are seldom motivated to change their ways of life. Rehabilitation treatment for them usually terminates in failure. Sometimes they may have a short period of abstinence followed by a relapse. It's really difficult to find motivated drug addicts for those programs.
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If your uncle has been recommended for hospice care by a doctor then he won't be getting certain meds or coming and going from hospice or smoking meth. Do you mean he's in some other type of facility? Like rehab or a nursing home?

If you are not his PoA or legal guardian I don't think this information will be/can be disclosed to you. If the county is your uncle's legal guardian you can call social services for his county and try to communicate your info to a social worker but that's probably as far as you can get. They won't be contacting you again for any outcome information.
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And this is your problem because..?

Your uncle's treatment, whether that includes hospice services, medications or anything else, is absolutely none of your business. If you believe he is engaged in buying or selling illegal drugs, what's wrong with calling the police? - if you feel that strongly about it, that is.

I do not myself and never plan to use heroin, and I've never even understood the appeal of meth; but I do happen to have heard from reliable sources that one reason people turn to heroin is that it obliterates pain, both physical and emotional - leaving you oblivious to the destruction you may be wreaking on others, alas, but none the less feeling AOK yourself. If your uncle has severe, intractable pain from arthritis, how is your solution of his being deprived of medication and forced into work going to help?
Helpful Answer (6)

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