My mother has been in this nursing home since April, after suffering a massive stroke which has left her paralyzed. She has use of her right arm, can talk and carry on a conversation, still has her long-term memory. She can self feed (pureed food) if everything is set up for her, but that's about all she can do physically. She was totally independent before the stroke.
As one can guess, this is causing her much distress. She is very afraid, and has always been afraid of nursing homes. She's having a tough time.
I went to visit her tonight. New Geriatric Nursing Assistant in her unit tonight. Her GNA was a male. She told me he was very nice. When it was time to have her diaper changed and get her nightgown on, he came in to do that. I stayed. New and a man, I didn't like it. Mom started crying in the middle of the process, and cried for an hour afterwards. She was extremely embarrassed. Is this a normal practice at nursing homes, having a male change a female? Nothing personal against this gentleman.
Personally I think it is great that more men are going into nursing, especially front line caregivers like CNAs - and I may be showing my prejudices but I imagine it takes an especially caring man to choose a career that undoubtedly has caused him to be ridiculed at some point.
And Big yay for Mom!
Thank you for loving and caring about your Mom and her feelings. You did good! 🌸
If I were your mom, I'd be crying about the situation in general.
But, you have the right and Mom has the right to say that she is not comfortable with that and she would prefer a woman to assist her in personal things.
She should never have to experience that again. I would definitely speak to whoever is in charge to make sure they accommodate her wishes.
Grace + Peace
I might also feel the burden of my physical condition much more with my son present and watching.
My sons and I are VERY close, and I prefer to spare them my physical issues, and yes although BOTH of us know I have issues, we sort of suspend belief in a situation that I feel might be embarrassing to them, even if it didn’ t embarrass me.