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That's good that the police officers took his guns. I was concerned that he might have guns when I read that he's a retired police officer.
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So sorry you are going thru this but unfortunately this is sometimes part of ALZ. My spouse didn't remember our daughter one day, the following week he did not know me and tried to keep me out of "his house". He never did remember and its two years later. He is in a wonderful ALZ facility and is "at home" there. We visit and often wonder if one day he might know us.
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Thank you for all your support and ideas. He is home now. The first couple of days were tough but now he is a little calmer and eating what I prepare for him. His driving skills do not seem to be affected yet. I am with him when he drives but will be getting my own car soon. He is angry about this. But I don’t think he feels his driving skills will diminish. I haven’t driven in a couple of years but want to start driving ASAP.
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Glad to hear he’s calmer now. We’re any medications added from the hospital visit for him to help with the anger and his demeanor? And good for you on driving!
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