Early Onset Alzheimer's

  • Early-Onset Alzheimer's: A Story of Love and Loss

    After my mom was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's, I had to learn to live in her world because she couldn't live in mine. This is a glimpse into my ongoing journey with Mom and how I have learned to fight back against dementia.

  • Early-Onset Alzheimer's: When a Caregiver Needs Care

    Alzheimer's disease is not just an ailment of the elderly, it can affect someone as early as their thirties. Knowing the common signs and symptoms of early-onset Alzheimer's can help you and your family prepare for what's ahead.

  • Rewriting the Rhetoric of Alzheimer's

    A diagnosis of Alzheimer's comes with a built-in stigma that has the power to dehumanize even the most vivacious person. Research shows that fear of Alzheimer’s and dementia exceeds the fear of every other type of medical condition except cancer.

  • Will I inherit Alzheimer's disease if my parent has it?

    When a parent is diagnosed with Alzheimer's or dementia, children want to know, "Can Alzheimer's disease be inherited?" What causes Alzheimer’s disease isn't fully understood, but some cases of early-onset Alzheimer's called familial AD, are inherited.

  • What is Familial Alzheimer's Disease?

    Familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD), a form of early-onset Alzheimer’s, is an inherited, rare form of the disease that affects less than 5 percent of Alzheimer’s disease patients.

  • Saying “No” to Family Drama While Caregiving

    Relationships are often strained when a serious illness and caregiving enter the picture. But, if your interactions with certain relatives are increasingly stressful and negative, it may be time to shut down family drama once and for all.

  • Documenting Life with Dementia

    Actress Connie Shulman discusses the life-altering impact of learning that her friend had frontotemporal dementia, and the importance of bringing awareness and support to families dealing with a dementia diagnosis.

  • Understanding Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

    Alzheimer’s disease usually affects seniors age 65 and older, but there is an uncommon form called early-onset Alzheimer’s that strikes people in their 30s, 40s and 50s. When dementia symptoms appear this early in life, the consequences are dire.

  • Don't Focus on the Future with Dementia

    We tend to worry about the future way too much, especially when dementia enters the picture. But we have to start focusing on the present if we want to learn how to cope.

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  • One of Those Days with Alzheimer's

    Whenever I do something dumb, it's easy to blame it on my Alzheimer's disease.

  • We're Invisible in the Medical System, Too

    Men and women in the early stages of Alzheimer's occupy an odd limbo when they encounter medical professionals who don't know how to treat a person who has mild cognitive impairment.

  • Canine Caregivers Improve the Lives of People with Alzheimer’s Disease

    Specially trained service dogs can reduce anxiety for people with dementia and help them perform day-to-day tasks with greater confidence and less fear.

  • Coach Summitt Stays on the Sidelines Despite Early-Onset Alzheimer's

    Pat Summitt, a woman whose coaching career has made her a champion for women's athletics, has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease. However, her diagnosis has done nothing to quell her desire to guide her team to future victories.

  • Will I Forget You? Dementia and Marriage

    You hear couples tell one another this all the time. We will grow old together and will always be there for each other. But what happens when one partner gets dementia?

  • What It Really Feels Like to Have Alzheimer’s Disease

    Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., and it cannot be prevented, slowed or cured. One man shares his insights on what it’s like living with dementia.

  • Those With Early-Onset Alzheimer's Need a Game Plan Worthy of Pat Summitt

    People in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease often receive a diagnosis and little else. Pat Summitt sets a powerful example in her efforts to prepare herself and her family for an uncertain future.

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