
  • Caregiver Tips: How to Keep Seniors Happy, Healthy and Warm This Winter

    We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best suggestions for keeping an aging loved one safe, cozy and clean despite the chilly weather. Do you have any tips for helping seniors thrive during the winter months?

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  • Does Your Zodiac Sign Affect Your Caregiving Style?

    Use your zodiac sign to see how you handle caregiving and what kinds of characteristics may make your responsibilities easier or harder to handle. Read articles on providing care that have been selected specifically for your astrological sign.

  • Honor Your Elders' Need for Independence

    As caregivers, we must encourage activities and interests that contribute to our aging loved ones’ feelings of self-worth while also prioritizing their safety.

  • A Poem for Loved Ones With Dementia

    A veteran caregiver shares a touching poem she wrote in honor of her mother who has Alzheimer's disease.

  • Neighbors Can Be Lifesavers for Older Adults Who Live Alone

    Families often worry about the safety of an older adult who lives alone, especially if there are no other relatives who live near by. In these instances, an aging loved one's neighbors can be an invaluable source of information and security.

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  • Alone No Longer

    Isolation is an unfortunately common side effect of being a family caregiver. Youth caregivers are especially vulnerable to feeling like they are all alone in their struggle. But there are ways these caregivers can connect with and support each other

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Susan Collins: Aging America's Ally on the Hill

    Senator Susan Collins is known for taking heroic action on behalf of America's 43 million older adults, and she was recently appointed Chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging.

  • 5 Tips for Keeping Your Brain Healthy While Caregiving

    Two brain experts offer important information and tips for keeping your brain healthy while caregiving.

  • The State of Caregiving: 2015 Report

    AgingCare's State of Caregiving survey polled more than 3,300 family caregivers to gain insight into the demographics, financial circumstances, living situations and support systems of America's family caregivers.

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  • Thoughts on Love and the Impact of Caregiving

    Caring for an aging family member can turn everything you think you know about love upside down. Issues surrounding love and caregiving are common topics of discussion in AgingCare's online community.

  • Handle Unexpected Crises with 'Fire Drills' for Aging Emergencies

    It helps to look at aging as a potential fire; the chance of a major disaster is low, but you can still evaluate the potential risk areas and plan for unexpected crises with aging emergency 'fire drills.'

  • I Want to Go Home!

    When life's challenges became so very hard, as they inevitably do, I would sometimes think, I want my mother. I want to go home.

  • Skipping School to Take Care of Dad

    Billy, a seventh grade student sits in his class wondering if his father remembered to take his medicine. He also wonders whether he should skip school tomorrow to take care of his dad.

  • Adult Children Sue Caregiver and Get Unpleasant Surprise

    When a group of adult children tried to sue their father's partner and caregiver, they received a shocking verdict. This cautionary tale exemplifies how misusing a power of attorney can have serious legal and financial consequences.

  • The Power of a Caregiver’s Promise

    The question for all family caregivers and especially caregiving youth: What promise will you make and keep this year? What can you do differently that is fulfilling and healthy for you?

  • 10 Ways to Beat the Holiday Blues

    As caregivers, how do we beat feelings of holiday blues so that we can get through the next few weeks with our sanity in tact?

  • Caregiver Stress May Be Deadlier for Women

    Chronic stress can lead to heart problems, sleep disorders, inflammation, compromised immune function and depression. All caregivers must learn to effectively manage their stress levels. Otherwise, our care recipients may outlive us.

  • Caring for a Person with Dementia at the End of Life

    As dementia progresses and concurrent medical problems become more difficult to manage, tough questions can arise. This framework will help you navigate complicated healthcare decisions for a loved who is cognitively impaired.

  • The Right Relationships Can Help You Thrive

    Can a caregiver "thrive" while looking after an aging loved one? Two psychologists weigh in on the benefits of the right relationships.

  • Seeking Sanctuary in the Shower

    My husband’s diagnosis brought forth a host of emotions. I was new to caregiving and seeing him suffer was causing me to crack. The only place I was free to be afraid and cry quickly became my refuge.

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