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I know, husbands daughter has 2, that's a long story of her leaving them for a week turned into 3 months. Didn't end well, we both had to let her figure out how to be responsible. But what beautiful sweet hearted dogs. I miss them. But not enough to have them full time. Lolol


He is very smart. He knows where he is when we are driving him to the park.

They are beautiful dogs, very sweet but they can be stubborn!

The diet industry is huge!

I just heard a doctor say that insurance companies may start approving some of the new drugs that are out now for weight loss.

I also heard that her say that some people aren’t using these drugs appropriately.

These drugs have to be taken for a certain amount of time before they are effective.

People don’t see immediate results and they are stopping them too soon.

I love huskies, they are so smart. And beautiful.

Siberian huskies are stubborn!

We have our grandpup over while my daughter is visiting her ‘long distance’ boyfriend until Tuesday.

Oh, he’s very attentive when I am spoiling him with scrambled eggs, cheese or treats, but when I call him over so I can measure the summer bandanas that I am sewing for him, he can’t be bothered to move off of the sofa! Grrrrrrr…

I found this cute fabric a beach scene on it. I am making it reversible with a check fabric on the other side. Two looks with one bandana!

I have made several bandanas for our daughter’s dog, my nephews dogs and friends’ dogs. They look so cute wearing them.

Yeah you just have to make up your mind you don't want that life anymore, I didn't want to be a smoker anymore. Once I made that decision it was ok. And when I slipped just started again.

People make it sound like your a failure if you quit smoking and start again, same with dieting. I felt as more of a learning experience every time I quit I learned something, then I would try again . I think it's like that with dieting,

Never feel like a failure, when you slip , just take what you learned and start over, when your mind is in the right place again!

I knew someone who was very obese . Then he started eating the same healthy meals everyday and food no longer became a pleasure or a crutch . He said it became a boring necessity . Lost alot of weight. He found other ways to occupy his time and thoughts ,and crowd out food thoughts .
He had willpower that’s for sure .

But if we stop caring and stop stressing, food won't effect us, then will be narssasist.

So I'll keep my disfunk eating habits. Lolol

Eating is emotional. The same thing goes for depression. Some people eat more if they are depressed and others won’t eat a thing.

Oh that's incredible hard, use to be me but the last few years I have taught myself how to eat during stress. I have these go to foods that I can get down now. There not healthy but at that point it's about getting something In your stomach.

Chocolate pudding, kids push up yogurts, that are more like sugar Twizzlers, and those red fish. And extra protein boost. Is pretty much my stress diet.

It's about for me keeping something going in no matter what. So next time stress closes your throat , just keep trying till you find something you can get in and keep down


I am one of those people who simply can’t eat if I am stressed. Just the sight of food will turn my stomach.

I get sick to my stomach if I try to eat when I am overly stressed. I completely lose my appetite.

I can’t force myself to eat anything because I feel like I would throw up.

Take my coffee away and then I would be very upset! 😝

Then there is the people on the other side of the coin, that can't eat when there stressed.

That ain't no fun either. When ever I start putting on a few pounds, I'm like no worries, I'm sure something will stress me out soon

ventingisback, i stress-eat too!! guilty as charged!! i'm going to join you on your mission to kick that bad habit to the curb.

So I continue to try to improve myself. Get rid of some bad habits I picked up in life. I've heard of people (including me) using food to numb their feelings. Today, I read that many people use food as a painkiller. That's exactly what I do. Any uncomfortable feeling, thought I have....I use food as a painkiller. I have to find better ways of dealing with unhappiness.

I'm not huge into yogurt, kinda take it or leave it thing, but it's healthy so sometimes I do. Anyways, I had this yogurt today that was absolutely delicious , nooga! It's a bit pricey but what isn't .

Sence we where talking about eating healthy,

Skinny pop popcorn, is surprisingly good too

Venting, if you are not morbidly obese and you DO eat also a decent quite balanced diet, then I don't see why you would be hard on yourself for this. Are you in general hard on yourself? Because I worry when people are; the world's full enough of OTHERS to be hard on us. We sure can help ourselves by not partaking.
I knew I was (not celiac) but a bit wheat intolerant. Read about building the gut genome. Started eating more a variety of fruits and veggies and am now TOTALLY addicted to fruits and veggies. Go figure. I can't get enough of them, even to kimchi and Wild Brine's red cabbage and beet sour Kraut.
They say out gut has 5 POUNDS of good bacteria in a healthy genome. Mind have begun to scream for fruits and veggies even more often than Trader Joe's Classic Potato Chips, hee hee!
But whatever. Life's short. I am eating what I want to eat, and on I go. Until I don't go on, that is. At 81 I beat them all; the rest is gravy. Literally.

I can relate Venting. I'm one of the skinniest among my closest friends but I feel like a fat old cow because I'm heavier than I've ever been, and I don't like it. I tell myself I could lose the extra pounds if I just stopped eating all the junk but when evening rolls around and I settle in to read I still reach for the cookies, chocolate bars and chips, even if I'm disciplined enough not to buy anything I will not settle until I find something to satisfy my cravings.

Venting, we all get down on are selves from time to time.

We all have vices or bad habits we try to change.

Mine is nicotine, I've beaten it , mostly pretty much only because if I smoke now I'd be so 🤢 . But I still crave them from time to time

I think the key for me is to not be mad at yourself when you slip up, and not give up, when you fall off the horse, you dust yourself off and get back on.

Hi Alva, I also come from a thinner type family. I’m thin. But I eat a lot of junk when I feel bad.

And there’s no doubt, one can always find something worse: but I still want to improve ME. I know numbing my feelings with food is bad. I’ll try to change that. I’ll try to figure out what’s missing in my life. Maybe it’s self-confidence.

I was lucky in my genes that I come of a thinner type family.
I think it is very funny how different things are so different for other people. I am very food driven or food motivated, and I can spend a LOT of time thinking about food. What I want to eat today. When to make a big pot of whatever. What to get at Trader Joe (Classic Potato Chips for certain). I will bring up food and my partner doesn't get it. He says he NEVER thinks of food (and skinny as rails, his entire family).

I think surely there are worse things to numb ourselves with, Venting. Vodka? Smokes? Opiates?

I need to whine about myself today. I don't know why I turn to food, when I feel bad. (I know, I know, there are thousands of books on this topic.)

I think there must be a lot of truth in the idea that people (including me) like to numb their feelings, with food. Momentarily it makes you feel better.

I started this bad habit years ago. Maybe it's just like any other addiction. Some people turn to alcohol, some to food...I have to stop. Maybe there's something missing in my life, and I use food to try to solve that.

I think they may have have chosen this bunch as a sort of thing to say how awful and over the top it can get on Social Media. I doubt it was a good dissection of the norm there. Couldn't be!

@the guy from Vegas:
Oh, Vegas, you and I are going to become VERY fond of one another!
I just love the report button.
Since you're new I should clue you in that this is where we come to just chat--called "discussions". Free to join, but definitely not compulsory. Just kind of here giving our opinions about nothing much. Seems you are a PERFECT fit for it!
Welcome to the Forum.

Alva, I’m on my phone and not my laptop atm, so I’m not seeing the full context of the Reddit discussion, but I saw your comment and thought I’d give my opinion about Reddit.

I love Reddit because it’s anonymous and there’s a downvote system which helps moderate the worst of the worst. Whatever your area of interest, you can find subs that discuss it.

Ignore the rest. The “terminally online” people will say anything to to get attention, or vent their ignorance. But if their comment isn’t popular, then it will be downvoted. If there isn't much “karma” (points on Reddit) for a poster’s account, you should just ignore them for the trolls they are.

In general — I think Reddit is a great site, and more worthwhile and useful than other social media sites.

Strange comment, Vegas Guy. If you don’t want to hear about other caregiver’s lives, and don’t want any comments on your own, why come to this site?

Caregivers sharing too much about their lives and opining about ours.

They weren't MEAN, cwillie, but they were nuts. Like "How much cocaine can I do and how long before I can give the baby my breast milk " sort of thing. And people with horrible tumors, taking-----I don't know, eye of newt and hair of dog to cure it. Truly outlandish stuff! Anyway, I think I have a new career path for making up questions and posting them.
I will say, good for a giggle.

Alva - it ISN'T all real, many sources say that foreign people and their bots are posting inflammatory things to cause division.
I tend to stick with fairly benign subs like cooking and gardening and my nearest communities, although I do browse the popular posts of the day because I think it's good to know what people are talking about. There are certain subs that I know are toxic though and I don't even want to know about what is said there.

Lol, Alva, yeah I poked around Reddit a few times , didn't get the obsession people have with it. But people love it.

It is a strange world out there 😜

OK, back to whining.

I had my first look at Reddit.
I don't know what the Forum was because the questions kind of came through partner's yahoo feed. I remember cwillie saying something about reddit.
I have to say, these cannot be real.
Tell me they can't, because if this is what our nation has come to.....................................well, I am just saying. You know how bad I am about questioning whether or not questions are real. cwillie periodically has to wipe the floor up with me over such things. But this reddit stuff? They cannot be real. They simply cannot be. CAN they?

Lordy I hope I don't get addicted to THAT site, too, because I truly fear for myself. Even more than you guys currently fear FOR ME.

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