
The ALF my parents live-in keeps contacting me over my mom's medications.

They say they cannot reach the doctor about prescription refills.

So, I contacted the pharmacy that my parents use. I was told by the pharmacy that since my mom's prescriptions are sent out to another pharmacy to be put in blister packs the prescriptions are not their responsibility and that they cannot help me. I called the sendout pharmacy and I was told that a prescription does need to be renewed and they have tried repeatedly to contact my mother's physician with no response at all.

I emailed my mother's doctor and was told she has plenty of refills left and was given the brush off. So what do I do? My parents do not have a dementia diagnosis so why is ALF calling me? This took up most of my day. I have a terrible headache and cannot sleep.

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Glad this is resolved. I went through the same crap when my mom first went into assisted living. One of her scripts ran out and they asked me if I had any back up pills. WHAT? YOU guys are now in charge of her meds. Why would I have any?? Of course it was her anti-depressant and she was OUT of it for 3 days before the problem finally got resolved. It was their FAX machine that was screwed up and the scripts weren't getting through to the facility. What a mess. I was NOT impressed. Looks like things are pretty leveled out now but I also spent a lot of time dealing with this and so many other things.
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I’m glad that you were able to resolve this issue.
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Did you find out where the glitch was?
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velbowpat May 2023
My dad is the glitch.
I have an update. My mother's prescription has been filled. Everything okay for now. I spoke with nursing director at ALF and asked that I be notified a bit earlier
when this happens again. (It will happen again). I think Kaiser is a great option for people who can advocate for themselves but not for people who can no longer do so. I reminded the voice I was talking to at the other end that my parents chose them (Kaiser) to be their Medicare provider and they will follow thru on their end of the bargain.
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AlvaDeer Apr 2023
Thanks for the update V. As to what works for us when we are "failing" at all, the answer is nothing. I find it increasingly more trying to deal with anyone anywhere about any THING. I sure do hope this swings into automatic and works well for you in future.
Contact Mom's doctors one more time, give them the phone number of the pharmacy, and tell them to call them and figure out the problem, or they'll be hearing from your lawyer (or some other ridiculous threat). Give them until Friday at noon to fix it.

Good old Kaiser -- they billed me for a test my dad supposedly had a week after he died. I got my mom off that insurance faster than you could say "incompetent." Worst insurance company ever if you have any medical issues whatsoever.
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velbowpat Apr 2023
This is part of my plans.
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Getting 'pass the buck' run around bs is ridiculous. Hope things get straightened out for you
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Does your mother get medication from different doctors? Find out what medication needs to be refilled and the doctor's name then call the facility and let them know what you find out. To my knowledge the facility is responsible for getting prescriptions refilled. the rule which I knew when I worked in longterm care was there should always be 72 hours of medication remaining in the cart, at this time you must call or fax the doctor for refill. Some medications should not be stopped suddenly as this may cause withdrawal effects.
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velbowpat Apr 2023
No it all comes from the person.
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When my Mom was in an AL the Nurse was responsible for contacting Moms doctor about her prescriptions. I got the initial prescriptions. I gave them to the nurse. She ordered thru the pharmacy that the AL deals with.

Just wondering if the problem is that the Drs office is faxing Moms prescriptions to her pharmacy instead of the pharmacy the AL uses. All communication was between my Dr and the Nurse at the AL. Maybe you should call the office and ask for the person responsible for getting the doctor to write the prescription and fax it. Maybe their information is not up to date. Maybe there is no HIPPA form signed so AL Nurse can communicate with the doctor. I do think its rude that someone from the Dr office at least does not call and explain why they are not responding.

You need to find out the procedure at the AL. Does the nurse request a prescription for refills? Does she ask that the prescription be faxed to her so that she can send it onto the ALs pharmacy. Or does the Nurse allow the prescription to go directly to the AL pharmacy. Check to make sure faxes and phone #s are correct. When u know the procedure then call the Drs office and talk to whoever handles the prescription after the Dr writes it. Act stupid. "I am new to all this. I received a call from the AL my parents are in and they say they have been unable to get refills. Could you please check and see if a refill for _____ was requested on ____." If they say yes and presciption was faxed back. Then you confirm the fax number used and the contact. Also ask if they have a fax copy with the time and date stamped on the top with "OK" meaning it went thru.

If they say no they received nothing. Ask what their fax number is and contact. Then you call the AL asking the same questions. First is the fax# correct. Does their copy show the date and the fax was sent and an OK which means it was received.

Yes, its an investigation. You have to find out where the glitch is. If doctors office, you will need to prove to the doctor someone in his/her office is dropping the ball. Everyone will say its the others fault until u prove otherwise. I will bet someone has incorrect info or not doing their job.
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velbowpat Apr 2023
Thanks for the advice I'll be playing real dumb.
Thank you for the responses!
My parents prescription medications are not allowed to be their rooms. All pills, tablets and capsules are in blister packs and kept under lock and key. I was contacted by the ALF because they have tried and tried and tried to get a prescription for my mother
filled. My parents healthcare providers just don't respond. So I had to step-in and help. The local Kaiser pharmacy said the prescription was not their responsibility to fill because assisted living sends out the medications to a different pharmacy to have them put in blister packs. In fact they couldn't see the prescription in their computer system, yet I could see it in her online account.. The prescription was written by a Kaiser physician. I contacted the send out pharmacy that is located in another county and asked what is the problem. The problem is my mother's healthcare team not responding to their calls and faxes. So I contacted my mother's physician and told her the problem via email and her response to me was basically you don't know what your talking about. So sent another email with documentation and photo with all the people they need to contact to help them help my mother. I left it the doctors lap. I know my parents do not have an official diagnosis of dementia but they sure are going down hill fast. This will be discussed with my sibling this weekend. I am going to talk to a patient rep at Kaiser and with the director at ALF about a more timely response because I have to jump in at the last moment. What I think is happening is that the ALF is trying to get help by asking my father to step in and he does not because he doesn't understand what the issue is or he just doesn't remember. Phew! I'm going for walk. Peace out.
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AlvaDeer Apr 2023
Yes. I understand more. When the meds were given by the facility THEY were responsible for the blister packs and the lock and key and the refills where my bro was. When HE was in charge of his own meds HE was. And it was well delinitated in writing.
The ALF is responsible. They need not to involve Dad or LET HIM be involved. Good luck Vel!
If you spent all day on this without resolution I can see why they handed this task off to you, I'm sure they were hoping you would have better luck than they had. I'd ask for a meeting to brainstorm how this can be resolved, like perhaps switching to a doctor and pharmacist used by the facility.
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Can you please clarify if your parents have cognitive prroblems? Your profile lists dementia/ALZ yet you say your "parents do not have a dementia diagnosis"... so they may have dementia but have not been formally diagnosed? This is not for ALF to handle.

Are you the MPoA for either of your parents? Is anyone if it is not you?

What state do they reside in (since protocols may differ by state)?

Dementia shows up gradually -- it's not obvious at first. If you are also NOT the Medical Representative for either parent (a HIPAA form they fill out and sign naming you as their MR) then their doctor by law cannot divulge any medical info to you about them.

"I was told that a prescription does need to be renewed and they have tried repeatedly to contact my mother's physician with no response at all."

Who told you this... the ALF or your parents? Who is "they"? If you are getting info from your parents and they have the beginnings of memory and cognitive impairment then they may not be giving you accurate information.

More info from you would be helpful.
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velbowpat Apr 2023
I was told by ALF medication person that he has tried for weeks to get a
response from my mother's healthcare team.
My brother handled his own medications when he was in ALF. Is that not the case with your parents?
My brother was on level #1 meaning no medication nurse contacted him re his meds and his meds were kept in his room and self-administered. He was also responsible for contacting his doctor, visiting his doctor, filling his prescriptions at the pharmacy via the bus trips to the mall, and etc.
His ex partner was, on the other hand, in another cottage and on a higher and more costly level of care, given his medications by the medication nurse, saw the doctor affilitated with the facility, had his medications refilled, delivered and handled by the MD and the facility ONLY. And as you said packaged in blister packs. All of these responsiblities, rather WHO was responsible, were well deliniated in the care plan and care contract. Pretty much everything there was, including whether or not night checks were done entering a closed door.

I am assuming you have met with the manager and gone over care plan. I am hoping none of these medications that seem to be running out when there ARE according to MD plenty of refills, are pain or anxiety meds that might be abused?

I sure do know what it is to have a day eaten up. For me it was Spectrum Phone company that took out my brother's phone instead of an elder's phone in the same cottage, and it took me from 9:30 to 4:30 on the phone with every state in the union and not a few countries to get it all delivered back and set up. And I was across the state from him.
You sure do have my sympathy and I sure wish you luck getting this addressed.
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