
We are using Seroquel and Zoloft to keep her calm but the agitation comes back 6 mths after Med increase. The cussing temper fits, accusations and paranoia make it exceedingly hard to be around her. Back history , she was on Adivant for over 30 years, so she has always had personality problems. Any experienced thoughts are welcome!

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Start by speaking to the doctor about this.

Whenever I want questions answered about meds, I will ask my pharmacist. I have found that they are sometimes more knowledgeable about meds than some doctors are.

I read your profile. I really sorry that you are dealing with this situation.

Where is your mom living? Is she living in her own home or with you? Have you considered looking at facilities for her to live?

Your mom has Alzheimer’s disease. This situation is only going to become more challenging as time goes by.

There is a poster on the forum who started her husband on rexulti. She said that it has helped him.
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