November is National Family Caregivers Month and AgingCare would like to recognize our dedicated members who devote their time and energy to supporting aging loved ones and each other.


Whether you're taking care of an aging parent with Alzheimer's, or looking after your spouse who's just suffered a stroke, the most important revelation you will have as a caregiver is the epiphany that you are not alone. There are men and women out there, just like you, feeling the same feelings, having the same thoughts and experiencing the same struggles.

Family caregivers are truly the backbone of long term care. As caregivers, you become advocates, liaisons, senior health gurus, and experts at navigating care decisions. The knowledge you've gained and experiences you share informs other caregivers who are new to the role or struggling to cope with the realities of caring for an aging loved one. Your tips, advice and support have created a community where all caregivers are welcome to learn, to share and to laugh.

"I have been on this website for five years. I have made many friends and have a support group like no other. Thank you all for being here. None of us are alone anymore."

"We are all here for each other. Being able to relate to others and sharing the sacrifices and emotional roller coaster ride and has given us the strength we never thought we had."

"Your humanity, wisdom and humor have saved me many times. You have given me the strength to change things for the better. I would never have made it this far without you."

"I come here to feel normal."

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"This place helps us vent all our frustrations about caregiving, life and family, so that we can unload our negative baggage and learn to be positive and seek to improve ourselves."


"When I was drowning from inexperience, grief, rage and exhaustion, the wonderful people on this website threw me a lifeline. They gave me love, acceptance and support. I am so grateful."

These are just a few of the sentiments expressed by the incomparable men and women who participate in the AgingCare Caregiver Forum

Never forget you are making a difference in the lives of your aging loved ones and in the lives of other caregivers. To all past and present family caregivers, your hard work, compassion and knowledge are indispensable. Thank you for all that you do.