Jon P. Beyrer, CFP, EA, is a personal financial adviser, specializing in comprehensive financial planning and investment portfolio management. He is a partner of Blankinship & Foster, LLC, a fee-only wealth advisory firm in Solana Beach, California. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Financial and Tax Planning.


In order to make most decisions on an aging loved one's behalf, you must be given the legal power to do so. A durable power of attorney is a document...

If the time, energy, and medical necessities of care make doing it yourself difficult or impossible, you will need to get help -- and help in this area can be...

Your primary responsibility is to make sure your relative’s needs are being met. This includes physical needs, health needs, safety and security, and...

For many caregivers, the resistance you get and the feeling that you are invading your relative’s privacy may leave you less than completely aware of your elder’s finances. But, if you wait until the elder becomes incapacitated to broach the subject of paperwork, locating important documents can be a much...

Finding a financial advisor for seniors can be tricky. Knowing what qualities, experience, education and certifications to look for will help you choose the...

For some homeowners, a reverse mortgage may be the best way to provide retirement income or pay off debts. However, seniors have other options that...

Many family caregivers are granted the power to manage an aging loved one’s finances, and this often includes handling an elder’s investment decisions...

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