I take care of my mother, my father-in-law, and my mother-in-law. my mother lives on her own, and my in-laws live on their own as well, but on the other side of town from my mother.
add to that the fact that my mom is deaf, and my FIL is in the early stages of alzheimer's, and has parkinsons, and my MIL has fibromialgia, and i have a TON of fun.
i also have a special needs child, so i am busy, busy, busy.
small wonder i can't hold down a regular job!
things aren't as bad as t hey could be, but with my mom being 81, my FIL being 80, and my MIL being 75, i don't think it's gonna get any better.
thanks for letting me vent
i also spin, knit and crochet to help with the stress. thanks for the thoughts!