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Eunison Posted November 2009

Down and out

My mom(76) is mid-stage alzheimers and is living with my dad in their home. We are looking at ways to get her interaction but she feels she is terribly sick with the flu, aches, and headache nearly every day. She isn't sick at all. Due to this she is rarely leaving the house. This same situation happened last winter on a daily basis. How do you get someone to snap out of this. She doesn't want to go out and many planned activities with others are cancelled because in her mind she does not feel well. My dad is feeling trapped.
We have approached adult day care activities with her but she is upset at the mention of it.
Anyone with ideas?

hapfra Nov 2009
In my opinion~This sounds like a case of depression. Your Mom may be aware that she no longer the same, and does not want to burden anyone with her depressed feelings. It is difficult to watch this, as I watched my Mom just slip away; however- a caregiver has to be strong-there are no options-even if it means to take a break. So, my idea would be to try to see if she is depressed, and perhaps some medication will help-her physician would probably be the best person to ask this; as the physician is the professional. Although there is no cure for AD-knowledge of the different stages of the disease might help you understand what she is going through.Another source I strongly reccommend is your local chapter of the Alzheimer's Assocition/ or even their 24 hotline. Good luck to you on this journey.


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