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anonymous11306 Posted January 2010

I have good news tonight about my mother's improving health.

My youngest son and I visited my mother today and found her delightfully more alert.

Her new diet does not taste good at all. However, anything she eats that is too thin, it gets inhaled into her lungs as well as anything too thick which requires chewing gets into her lungs some.

She's on 2 antibiotics. They have put some special foam looking protection around her feet and some SCDs on her lower legs which look more like shin guards with wires. This helps with blood flow and preventing clots.

Some mental confusion does remain, but that will clear up with time as the sodium balance in her system is restored as the UT Infection and the blood infection continue to respond to the antibiotics.

We visited with my step-dad for a few minutes at the house and came home.

We all thought, including my mother, that she was going to die soon.

anonymous11306 Jan 2010
I've never heard of an UTI infection going into the blood before.

I am glad that she is doing better and I am glad to have this group to share with. I'm still waiting on my second week of taking Wellbutrin to be done for then this anti-depressant should kick in. If not, I will tell my psych who I have an appointment with near the end of this month. He's also wondering about my testosterone level since my endocrinologist does not have me on a full daily dose. I have had the lab work and await the results.

SecretSister Jan 2010
UTI? It really puts a whammy on people. So glad to hear your mom's doing better! :)


EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Jan 2010
Wonderful new! It's amazing what a UTI or other infection can do to an older body. I'm glad she has had such good care and support. Congratulations!


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