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fburn9575 Posted February 2010

God is our inspiration in this caregiving journey. Both my wife’s mom and my parents are in a nursing home.

caregiverslight Feb 2010
Glad you are here, fburn9575. May be little consolation, but if your parents are in caring and safe nursing homes, that is no small blessing to add to your prayers of appreciation. Still, it is a time of harsh transition for adult children as we are, to face and ultimately accept not only our parents' loss of independence and health, but feelings of isolation and powerlessness when they are in nursing homes. More so, if the nursing homes are out-of-state.

Sounds like you are both caring and committed to your parents, unlike some individuals who literally abandon their parents and other relatives to the care of nursing homes. Your parents are fortunate to have both of you in their lives.

As far as needing inspiration, good for you for recognizing the need for such balance. Here are a few thoughts to help you brainstorm what may work to help lift your spirits.

Barring urgent situations, find other times to visit the nursing home(s) when you don't feel compelled to go. If you are retired, any day, or night of the week will do, of course.

En route to your nursing home visit, consider treating yourself to coffee or tea and a danish, as you read your local newspaper and people-watch, with nothing else on your mind.

If you visit the nursing home together, alternate your visits so that one of you goes, while the other gets to play, take a nap, or simply do nothing.

Saturday or Sunday movie matinee, before, or after a nursing home visit?

Bookstore browsing, just because you can-- instead of going to the nursing home for a single day? Maybe a hobby or arts and crafts type store, or a museum of your choice?

I enjoy CD's of old-time religious hymns while driving. Sometimes I sing-along. Other times I cry-along. Either way, I derive healing.

Hugs go along way, including with each other and your loved ones.

I have stopped entertaining formally in my home, and occasionally invite one of my friends to for a cup of morning coffee, or Sunday afternoon coffee and biscotti dunking, or Sunday afternoon tea time. Classic Sunday music plays in the background as we sip hot tea or coffee. No fuss, just simple pleasures that make me smile.

None of the above may be of interest to you, but I just thought I would remind you that sometimes the simplest moments become the most precious and enduring moments. Given your faith in God and your devotion to your parents, you are bound to find the inspiration you seek.

You are seeking and you have asked. Remember to share your request for daily inspiration in prayer to God as well. It's ok to ask God specifically to lead you. Your faith will lead the way.

Hugs to you and your parents across the miles. You have God and you have each other. You're also human. It's ok to cry, too. Life can bring us healing....

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Feb 2010
I'm glad you can rely on your faith to help you through this. Please keep coming back to read posts from many caring people.



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