There is no more I can do, Im trying to care for my mom with no money now, havent been to work in over 2 weeks. I have no savings or support from family and no close friends. Have used my mothers monthly check this month for our support because I have not been to work, so now I have to wait until the 1st of October for any funds. The best thing to do now is end it for myself and then maybe someone will take care of her. Please I hope none uses her for her money,this is the coward way out but I cant handle this strress anymore! May god forgive me.
Thinking of you.
Laws governing income guidelines for elders are ridiculous and out of step with the reality of most caregivers, as your story shows. Legislators and others turn a blind eye to the plight of elders and caregivers. There is a whole lot of talk - and very little support unless an elder is destitute. It makes no sense.
I'm glad that you & your Mom made spaghetti & even got a laugh out of it! That's just about like 'em to tell you that they don't like something at the last minute! My husband wouldn't eat hardly anything all day yesterday, although it was offered to him & then about bedtime last night told me that he was hungry! Duh!!! I guess so if you hadn't eaten all day! LOL
See we all gotta laugh or we'll go crazy!
I'm so glad that your friend called & is wanting you to go to her in Washington State! Sounds like you'll have a great support team there. True friends are the best...most of the time even better than family!!!
Please keep in touch via this site & let us know how things are going! We love to hear success stories, too! : )
There are people who care & can help you, if you'll let them! Please call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline @ 1-800-273-8255.
Everyone one this site is going through simular situations as you & we're here to help each other!
There is help out there and people to help you find it. Please let some of us that have been in similar situations help.