My mom has lived with me since 2003 when my dad passed away. She did her own finances for a couple of years and started in the beginning stages of dementia and I had to help her balance her checkbook and write some checks for her. My husband became ill and was off work for 1 1/2 years and during the end of his illness only got 60% of his wages. I asked my mom if we could borrow money to meet the monthly bills until he went back to work and she agreed. My sister, mom and I were all on mom's checking account so we all had access. When my sister found out money was missing she threathened to charge me with fraud for using the money. I told her I was given permission but with my mom's dementia she honestly did not remember telling me it was ok. My sister has been holding this over my head for a year and my family takes care of my mom every day of her life and my sister only comes around once a week if even to take her shopping. We had a big argument last week and will probably never speak again. Can she prosecute me for fraud it this is not her account? Again, she always had access to the account so it was never a deliberate act of deceit on my part. My sister nows does my mom's banking and does not tell my mom what is going in and out of her account and she also gave her daughter $5000 inheritance early from the money. Can I go to jail or can someone tell me what I need to do to protect myself and my mom. Can my sister press charges without my mom's agreement? I signed a document that said I will pay back the money with out of my inheritance. If I go to jail my husband will not take care of my mom and I am worried about her as we do almost everthing for her. Help me please!!!! I am petrified of going to jail
I hope you will come to some equitable agreement with your sister. 1) You should be reimbursed for your mother's expenses if you are the caretaker. 2) Your promissory note may be adequate (as long as it conforms to your State's law), but your sister might be more agreeable if you started paying some of the funds back -you said yourself it was a 'loan', so treat it like a real loan, not an 'advance on your inheritance.' 3) Your sister needs to account for any money she's taken from your mother's funds.
I wish you luck and sincerely hope you & your sister will quit back-biting and get together about what is right for your mom.
In this case it is paper trail that works as evidence. Words mean nothing but a signature on a piece of paper means everything. Second of all..... how is the checking set up , worded, I actually knew this already but found it written by an expert somewhere on this site. The words "AND" & "OR" or phrased together "AND/OR" these words may be small but are very powerful in legal matters. The other thing with the checks is who's signature is on the check written. One more thing is who's money is deposited and withdrawn.
If it is all Mom's money and she signs checks alone, she spent it. If it's her money and someone else is on account and they signed alone, I believe the questions are on that person. In that case if proven that these funds were spent to benefit Mom you should be ok. Theres "gifting" but only legal if Mom did the gifting with her signature or legal document. In the event of her needing medicaid gifting is needed to be repaid if during the look back period. If you have paperwork stating Mom's daily needs cost of living and you are full time caregiver There is a legal amount allowed by law for this If supplying 24/7 care and room & board. So in reality it sounds like your sister is in deeper than you it may add up that she owes you and the government money. If you are the one supplying care in anyway for family members and that is your first priority Karma will take care of you believe me. Karma works both ways the ones worried about money over Mom's wellbeing well let me just say they will understand when it's too late to reverse thier choice and they will be the one to suffer in the end.
My advice to you would be to seek an elder care lawyer. I would think they would have the answers for you. Do it soon. Don't fester about it. Call and make the appt. today. Have you been getting help from your Area Aging Agency? They can provide a great deal of help. Here in Cincinnati, OH--it's Council on Aging. Good luck! ((((((HUGS))))))!
You can actually claim an amount from your mom as "room and board",as she has been living with you for all this time. Start keeping receipts for anything regarding her care. Definitely get an opinion from an elder lawyer.
Try to work it out with your sister.. It's hard to take care of elderly parents and you both have to agree. I wish you luck.
It ( the site) was suggested to me by a young paralegal. It sounds to me you are doing the right thing and maybe sis is taking advantage.
BTW - from your description of your mom, my mom was farther along in her Alz when she signed the financial and medical POAs for us, so it shouldn't be an issue.
Once the POA is done, open a new bank account and get all the direct deposits changed. Then close the old one.
In opening the new account, I recommend you don't ask the bank for a "joint" account. Instead, ask them for an account with you set up as the POA for your mom. In the future, if *you* ever owed money for something (legal item, back taxes, child support, etc.), it can be taken out of a joint account. But if you are just listed as POA for your mom, your creditors cannot touch the account.
Good luck!
You go girl! I agree with yellowfever about getting POA. It's very important. Basically, from what I am told, POA is your ability to control things while she's alive. Executer the person in control of the estate after death. IF you can get that changed, I would! Get both. If Mom agrees, take her to a lawyer, have them prep the papers first and sign away. No one needs to know, i.e. DON'T TELL YOUR SISTER! I have a similar situation. A selfish siblish who only wants their money and nothing of the mess we are in. I care for BOTH Mom and Dad. Dad with demntia and mom sick from head to toe. I lose countless days taking them to the doctors, CVS, church, groceries, errands etc...My family is affected, my job and my life! I have two non existent siblings. Asked for help when I almost had a nervous breakdown and both said, "Sorry, no can do." So I wrote them off because I have to use my energy in a positive way to take of my parents and keep myself sane. It's not easy. And I hate them for running like they did, but I'll have no regets. Neither will you.