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dthomson Posted June 2012

ID bracelet options for long term care

I was wondering if anyone knows of some kind of ID bracelet product or anything similar? I work for a group of long term care facilities and we are looking at adopting a new solution. I don't need GPS or tracking, as those at risk of elopement are outfitted with wander guard, but I do need something cost-effective. Does anyone have any suggestions?

jeannegibbs Jun 2012
My husband and I both have Road ID braclets. He wears his all the time, and I wear mine when I go out for a walk without a purse. It is the easiest way to carry ID. I like it because you can have 6 lines printed on it, so mine contains my name, home phone number, emergency contact, clinic phone number, and identifies a chronic condition. (The idea is if I had some kind of accident or emergency and couldn't speak, there would be enough information on there as a starting place for paramedics or an ER.) I think these are very worthwhile for independent people, but I don't know whether they would be cost effective for care centers. Look up Road ID and see if there is anything that would work for your needs and whether they have a volume discount program.

Good luck!


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