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lightedpumken Posted August 2012

My mom wakes up after sleeping and from naps at times screaming and crying what do I do? Drives me crazy!

My mom 86 yr old my mothers memory was perfect till this all happened caught Valley fever went into meningitis they saying it triggered dementia don't understand how. I have asked her whats wrong and just says I don't know asked if shes ok says yes says shes gets confused and scared of being alone she screams a lot calling my name if I leave the room for a bit after waking up! It only happens if shes alone for a bit or after sleeping or after taking napes she don't get that much sleep, I say sometimes 3 to 4 hrs a day sometimes 5. Shes done this before but more so now recently fell at a nursing home. Said they found her sitting on her rear but I think I found a lump on back of her head. Help me!

myrtgeo May 2014
This happens with my Dad also. He has some kind of dementia. He has slept most of his days for the past few years. He falls asleep at the table after he eats, or in the living room where we all go in the evening to watch TV. He will be asleep and all of a sudden put both his hands over his eyes and yell "Help! Help! Help me please!" over and over hysterically. Mom or one of us will come over and talk soothingly to him and pat him or hug him and ask what is wrong. He never knows and after a few minutes, falls back asleep. It now means, though, that my mom can't even leave the house anymore to work in the garden or sit outside or go to the grocery or anything. We assume this is just the current stage of his dementia. Mom has respite care one day a week for a few hours to go to the grocery and I come home on the weekends, but that is the extent of her ability to get out of the house. The other day, we hired someone to sit with Dad and went to a 5- hour caregiver seminar in another town, but at a cost of $110. for this "day out", she can't do that often and I can't afford it either.

aberry Aug 2012
Bless your heart. I would take her to the dr and get her checked out, tell him what is going on with her. It could be she just needs a medicine for anxiety. I did this with my mom in law and it has helped some. She also uses depression meds, which seem to help also. Praying for her and you...



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