my dad moved in with my family from VA,after leaving the hospital.We live in Ga,the problem is he has direct deposit at BB&T bank,he just walk in the bank in Va and was able to withdraw his money,no Id was needed because they knew him.I know this is not going to happen here,we are waiting for the numident printout need for the DMV so he can get an ID,has anyone had to do this and how long did it take. I also am trying to get a birth certificate, I hope this work, am running out of ideas so he can get his money,and any other stuff we need to do
I just read you comment. I want to wish you luck getting you mom an id. I understand the crazy requirements for getting a driver's license renewal or ID in this post 9-11 world. In NJ we need about 6 forms of ID. No one seems capable of distinguishing the need of harmless, fragile elderly to be able to have an ID and retain their ability to vote. Too bad we can't use common sense and give the elderly the respect they deserve.
Then try to see of the motor vechicles will issue him either a drivers license or a government ID. He may need it to vote in person or as an absentee this November. If he isn't mobile it might be good to register him to vote but get an absentee ballot sent to him at his new home. These new voter laws unfortunately are going to make it difficult for the elderly and disabled to vote. It is truly a shame especially since they may have been a loyal voter for their lifetime.
check online with county and/or state records to see what is possible.