This has been a busy last couple of weeks. I thought I would have some respite time this month, but between the death of an aunt and my mother's basal cell carcinoma, it has been busier than normal. Plus there have been back-to-back medical and financial legalities to deal with. This week I discovered that my father had a small life insurance policy that no one knew about, and one of my mother's medications is not going to be covered by her insurance. Two more things to deal with -- sigh. It seems like there is at least one new thing a week to deal with that requires more of my time. And, of course, there are the taxes to be filed -- theirs and mine. Argh!!
No solution, I know. I just needed to vent. I'll just make an insurance claim if it's not too late, file for a medication exception, and try to get the taxes done, then wait for the next thing to happen. Why does getting old have to be so difficult? To make it more difficult, my mother's doctor has grown weary of her, so doesn't want to deal with anything anymore.
You are's a business. Mainly because of the expense. Think of the costs of prescription drugs. Think of the monthly cost of a nursing mother's is $14,000 a month!
That's why it is so difficult. I wish there was an easy answer but there is none. The key is for you to get plenty of respite care for yourself and take the time you need.