Let me preface this by saying:I do realize that not everyone is able to change their situation for financial reasons, but some of us are able, but choose not because of guilt.
Dear Karen, you have been tied up like a pretzel for the past six years with your mother. Ever since your wonderful father passed away, mom has been stuck like white on rice to you hasn't she? He was her center of attention and then you were. Maybe he enjoyed that. You, on the other hand, did not! It wasn't fun to have to bring her everywhere with you, since you weren't "allowed" to go to even a movie without her. Since your family is only you, mom and your two children, and mom kept saying she was lonely, you thought a few "hey mom, maybe you could get a smaller apartment. There's a lot of your church friends who live in assisted living. Do you want to visit some of them? I heard they're great" would work? Oh you silly, silly child. Mom said "those places are for people whose family doesn't love them." I know you have those words running through your head, don't you? Oh dear. Thought that was bad, didn't you?Well, it got worse real quick didn't it?
At least she was living in her house and driving then. But, alas, when she first started showing signs of dementia two years ago, your life went into overdrive and you had to do everything from paying the bills, transporting her everywhere (since she had two car accidents within three days), making sure she ate. Kind of ironic how you DIDN'T want to be the center of her attention, but you were kind of forced to make her the center of YOUR attention! Oh, and remember how stressed out and resentful and angry you were at this stage? Everyone said to put her in assisted living, but they didn't know her like you did. They didn't know that you tried and tried and said it six ways to Sunday, but no, your independent and headstrong mother wasn't going. Period.End of conversation.
Again, you thought that was rough. And Karen, it was. But, dementia being dementia, of course it got rougher.
Mom kept falling and then she would stay at your house and then go back to her house. That plan worked out great (hey, remember how guilty you felt when she fell because at least you would get a break when she went to skilled nursing for a couple of months?!!). Oh the joy of those breaks. And then (boo hoo), the day she came back and life went back to...not a life at all.
Six months ago she fell, went to skilled nursing (remember you rushed out the door when she was there and went on vacation without her?!!). OMG, a vacation WITHOUT your mother? Wow!! Never told her that did you? Probably too scared of the guilt trip she would send you on. And that is never a fun vacation to be on, right? When she came back to the house, you thought it would be the same pattern, back to her house in a few days. But sadly that didn't happen.
You looked for the "signs" you always look for, so she can go back to her own house, but they never came. Oh sure, she DID improve physically with PT and OT coming in the house several times a week. She did get stronger, but still, each time she fell, she would never get back to where she started initially would she? Sadly, there is no PT and OT for dementia is there? So each time she fell, went to the hospital and went to skilled nursing and came home, the dementia never improved, it just got worse. Every time.
And so, here you sat for the past four months Karen. And where was mom? Yep, living with you. You never really said "Hey, I think I'll have mom live with me." it just happened. But you knew how difficult it would be with her living here. You knew it was very difficult to keep up with all of the physical demands of dressing, undressing, bathing, doing her laundry, paying her bills, making doctor's appointments, taking her to the hairdresser, keeping an eye on her house, making sure she brushed her teeth. Arguing, or trying not to given the dementia, to get her to brush her teeth, wash her hands after peeing. Wow Karen. And don't even talk to me about the EMOTIONAL toll it took. Why didn't you just stick her in assisted living at this stage?
Because you wanted to do the "right thing" You wanted to honor the promise you made to your mother never to put her there.
And the consequences of unbelievable stress, wishing you were dead, having no life, 54 hours a week spent catering to her every whim, snapping at the kids because of your frustration, feeling EMOTIONALLY STRANGLED TO DEATH.
Yesterday you FINALLY made the right decision. You decided that mom will never ever be happy. She wants your father. Good luck bringing him back form the dead! You decided that at the age of 48, you COULD still be happy...given half the chance.
Today I will go visit my mother in assisted living. I will smile when I walk in. She will probably say "why did you dump me here?" and "I wouldn't do this to you." And when I leave? I will smile even more.
We, the caregivers, all deserve to smile!!
I can really relate. I have quite belitteled by my sibs,sometimes so horribly that I wished I was dead too.l But If I had done things their way Mom would be dead, or at the very least she would still be staying with me, and I would be ready to shoot my self so they could have their so called deserved inheritance.
They are full of advice, critizism, and they even visit every few months.
I was wrong. Honestly. If my mother was in her right mind (and clearly, with dementia, she is not), she would say "Karen. Love me. Do for me. Be with me. But not 24/7. Not at the risk of your health. Be my loving daughter. But it's okay to take breaks from me. Really. Create your own life. I want to be a significant PART of it, but I do not want to be ENTIRELY it."
Of course, those words I will never hear. But I know my mom. Known her for 48 years. I know she would not want me to suffer along with her. What's the point of two suffering?
I feel SO much better. My memory is completely back to where it was before. My house is gradually getting cleaner. I can follow plots on tv now instead of just thinking 24/7 about mom.
And guess what? Mom STILL loves me!! I make sure she is safe. I see her when I want to about 3 times a week. I bring her little treats when I come.
And here is the kicker: When I have been hugging her lately it's because I really WANT to. Not because I "have to."
Being apart from her made me see that I do exist, but I was on a self destructive highway, with a halo over my head. I have ripped that false halo off my head. And now I just love mom more than ever!
Its a tough job yes. But when I wake up in the morning I decide that either it will get the best of me, or I will get the best of it.
I try to visit weekly but it's just so frustrating to go over the same things again and again and she doesn't want to change to make her quality of life better. Any suggestions I make fall on deaf ears (both hers and my brother's). My Dad died 4 1/2 years ago and he would do or take my mother anywhere (locally) she wanted to go anytime she wanted to go. Now she has to beg my brother to do anything around the house or the least little thing she asks for. He'll do it for her EVENTUALLY but not at the time she asks. Sometimes it's something that would only take him 2 minutes to do, but he crabs and whines about it like an 8-year old (he's 63). So, you guessed it. When I come over for a visit, she wants me to do all the little things he won't do for her. It's generally not a pleasant visit then, because I end up feeling resentful that he isn't doing more and crabbing at him to get off his a$$ and do stuff for her. It's SO frustrating, I want to scream! I have to remember to take a Xanax before I go over there so I don't want to shoot myself (figuratively)! My sister, who lives closer to my mother than I do (like 1 1/2 miles away) RARELY ever comes over. She's useless, too. Another frustrating thing for me. At least my brother is a "warm body" to live there with her 24/7 to at least keep a MINIMAL eye on her. My husband put extra handrails around her house because still wants to climb the stairs to do "stuff" around the house. She's stubborn that way. She won't ask my brother to help her anymore (get her stuff from upstairs or in the basement) because she's tired of his whining about it. Have I talked to him about this whining? You bet. It just goes in one ear and out the other. Have I talked to my sister about going over and visiting Mom more often? Yep. Again, in one ear and out the other. Ugh!! So the old woman (84 years old) goes down the basement and upstairs bedroom stairs BACKWARDS so she doesn't fall holding on to the railings with both hands! I can't be there 24/7 (like my brother is) and I know one of these days she's going to fall and end up in the ER or worse. Assisted living --- she won't go --- again stubborn and has the unreal notion that Medicare will pay for it. She doesn't need skilled nursing. Have an aide come in, you say? Nada. Nope. Won't go for it.
Finally, one Christmas, my niece (only child of my sister) bought my mother a maid service for a couple of house cleanings. My brother won't even run the vacuum!! My 84-year old mother was trying to get down on her hands and knees and scrub the kitchen floor like she'd done all her life. I told brother, "Mom can't do that anymore! You're going to have to pay for a maid service to come over her twice a month to wash the floors, vacuum the rugs and clean the sinks, bathroom, etc." He's retired now and you better believe he's paying for the service. I told him I have my own home to clean. I'm not gonna clean my Mom's house, too, especially when he doesn't lift a finger to help her keep it clean. She and my Dad never forced my brother to do anything (because they called him stupid all his life) and enabled him. Now he doesn't do anything! She still goes up and down the basements stairs to do his laundry! She won't teach him how to do it or let him anywhere near the washing machine! Aaaacccckkk! (That's me screaming -- LOL).
They basically are both enablers to each other and I have to keep my distance or I'll mentally go over the edge. I know when my Mom passes away, he's going to fall apart and end up living in his own filth. Did I tell you he never takes a shower, brushes his teeth, and wears the same clothes every day? And no, he does NOT have the beginning stages of Alzheimers or dementia. That's just the way he is and was brought up by Depression-era parents. He was the first born and only boy. Bathing wasn't a priority in our household growing up. I don't know how my sister and I ended up showering daily -- go figure. Again, they never made him do anything. Thank God for summer coming. Everytime I visit over there, I open ALL the windows to let the fresh air in! My mother keeps the house drum tight because she's "cold" (normal elderly complaint) all the time. The house reeks of body odor. I don't know how the maid service stands it when they're there for a couple of hours.
So thank you to everyone who writes and vents. I'm so grateful for this site, I can't tell you.
I really wish I had done this sooner! I still do lots of things for my mother like doctor's visits, hair appointments, bill paying, being an advocate for her and a myriad of other things too. What on earth made me think that I could do all of that AND have her live with me 24/7? Optimism? Hope? Guilt? A sense of responsibility? Probably those things and a lot more.
Now I see my mother when I want to. No, I have not abandoned her and NEVER will. I see her probably about 3 to 4 times a week for a total of about 10 hours a week. A dramatic decrease from the 54 I HAD to do. Now I do want I WANT to do.
I remember actually missing my mother too. Oh not the stranglehold missing, but the wow, she isn't here missing, so I went to see her. And when I left, I was able to do things I wanted to do too.
kamkim, you are right we must be twins! Neither me nor my mom were happy. And sadly, she still isn't. But guess what? I am happy. I am joyous. I have a life ahead of me.
Before I was filled with resentment, anger and frustration. I hated the sound of my mother getting out of bed because that meant I was on the caregiving clock.
I hated being with her ALL of the time. Draining. Sad, but I hated being with her.
Now? My heart is alive. The stress I had incurred had actually affected my memory. That's gone now. I have it back. My house was a mess. Now I'm trying to clean it. My job was mom. Now I want to start my own business.
And I love my mother more now than I did before. I look forward to seeing her.
I feel my daughter-mother connection back with her.
To those who are overburdened and stressed and are able to change it. PLEASE PLEASE change it..You will likely love both yourself AND your mother more when you do!!
You learned so much in a few years, huh? And you are very young! I'll bet you will continue to feel younger and happier every day. Past the guilt, the what ifs, the rationalizing. I am proud of you for Making the Decision to Live your Own Life and still continue to be a Loving Daughter, and a caregiver to your Mom. Blessings:)
Hugs and Smiles to each of you!!! Thank you Karen for sharing your awesome letter to all of us...and everyone's responses!!! We are NOT alone!