Do you have any family that can help you out? A neighbor of your mom's maybe? A friend?
If not, you can hire a caregiver from one of your local agencies but there's usually a 4-hour minimum. But if you can do this there are other things the caregiver can do to fill in that 4 hours. A load of laundry, a little light housekeeping, a caregiver can just sit and talk with your mom or maybe run a few errands. Plus, of course, the medication. All of these things can be done in the 4-hour time frame and might help you out as well.
If not, you can hire a caregiver from one of your local agencies but there's usually a 4-hour minimum. But if you can do this there are other things the caregiver can do to fill in that 4 hours. A load of laundry, a little light housekeeping, a caregiver can just sit and talk with your mom or maybe run a few errands. Plus, of course, the medication. All of these things can be done in the 4-hour time frame and might help you out as well.