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assandache7 Posted June 2013

Please!!!! If anyone is just starting out in caregiving seek an Elder Care Attorney..

After reading many discussions on this site , I realized that a lot of people could have avoided many issues with family members and especially Medicaid...

sunflo2 Jan 2014
Do some research on this site by looking at the "legal tab" and searching/browsing through some of the topics/advice given. This will give all a good starting point for the documentation/planning needed for our own care, care of others, pitfalls, estate considerations, etc.

YES, by all means spread the word and talk to everyone, your friends, children, parents, etc about the need for proper and LEGAL estate planning by someone who has elder law expertise. It is essential as they can steer you in the right direction and give you benefit of their experience and your state laws to avoid pitfalls. My parents used an attorney who took their money, wrote up legal documents that are not a nightmare and further let them my parents leave without the documents notarized by the attorney. They did get them notarized elsewhere, but they are not filed with the attorney or the city; and my parents would not give the kids or trusted person a my elder widowed mother has misplaced the will. Worse, she has only known legal documents (AMD, POAs, will, etc.) in the house and all will be lost if there was a fire, theft or other.

Consider having frank discussions with our parents, spouse, siblings about caregiving, costs, expectations, etc. so it is out in the open long before the it is actually needed so there aren't misunderstandings on who cares for who, who bears expenses/burdens, etc., family impact, etc.

As with any service, including legal service, get references and call them before hiring the attorney. Senior Services, AL facilities, etc. are all good sources for finding elder law professionals.

Jinx4740 Jan 2014
Consult your local Area Agency on Aging.
Senior Choices of Southwest Florida.


vstefans Jan 2014
I Googled naples florida elder law attorney. I found one that actually posts their rates and has a 4 1/2 star rating, but there are several others. THe one with rates posted is willkommlaw/Practice_Areas/Rates_Forms. Key is that whoever you pick is up front about fees and know what they are doing with any Medicaid issues. burzynskilaw/Asset_Protection_Medicaid has good info in that regard. If you find someone who is both, you'll be in a good place.

Lighthouse Jan 2014
I'm looking for an Elder Care atty in Naples Florida. My mom has very limited funds, we need to start planning. Does anyone have a recommendation?

assandache7 Jan 2014
Here, here! CarolLynn the sooner the better!!!!

Make sure you also have a care agreement so your personal finances don't diminish to nul …....

CarolLynn Jan 2014
assandache7 wrote: "Please!!!! If anyone is just starting out in caregiving seek an Elder Care Attorney.."

How about this - Everyone here should take what they've learned and make it a personal mission to tell as many people as possible to get their paperwork in order LONG BEFORE anything goes wrong.

The earlier people start examining their beliefs and legally documenting their desires, the sooner more people won't have so many of the problems that are constantly described in this forum.

assandache7 Jan 2014
I just read a post from a member who got screwed over from siblings so I felt this discussion needed to come up again!!

Jinx4740 Jul 2013
Perfidia - Contact your local Area Agency on Aging for some advice. Some have elder lawyers who will give you a free half hour of advice. Why did they say they won't abide by the DNR? Is it a religious place? Talk to the head of nursing or the head person to find out why.

There is an Ombudsman for nursing homes who should be able to answer questions and tell you what you can do. If you have trouble finding these resources, write again with your county and state, and someone can help you.

perfidia1 Jul 2013
My mother has dementia and was placed in an Assisted Living facility in Michigan. Not happy with where she is. My mother approx. 3 years ago, put three of us children on her Deed to the house. My mother has the POA and was to sell the house now. The house is still in her name.I do not think this is a good idea. I need to speak w/someone who can advise me. Secondly, the Assisted Living Facility will not abide by the Do Not Restate (Durable power of Attorney) if something should happen to my mother. Is this normal?

CarolLynn Jun 2013
Where are you located?
Who are you, dad, uncle, etc?
How old are you? They?
Are you caretaking?
They live alone, with you, assist living, nursing home?
Is this a new situation or how long?

Justv389 Jun 2013
I am desperate to find an elder care lawyer that I can afford. Any suggestions?


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