Just venting this am.Everyday it's just her,her ,her.It's all about her.Well she got a manicure and a pedicure yesterday ,I didn't.Life is so bad for her.Just feel like screaming and throwing things this am.Can't even stand the sound of her voice.I'll just keep presenting reality to her every time she comes up with this woe is me routine.I have to take her to the dermatologist this am.Reminded her there are a lot of people that don't have access to the good insurance she thankfully has and can't just run to the MD any time they want.Also reminded her she is lucky to have me because otherwise she would be up sh--t creek and she better pray nothing happens to me.
My Mom is sweet and we've always been very close but as the AD progresses I am overwhelmed by her narcissism. Her sweetness is definitely a manipulation tactic which sort of falls apart under stress. I TOTALLY hear the part about wanting to throw things. Oh, how I want to tear something up! So far, I've managed to go to my room and read here when that happens and I've vented here as well.
I don't know how to help you, but your post has helped me tremendously. Thank you.