I know I've mentioned this before, but it's getting worse. My 88 year old mother's obsession with her constipation is getting totally out of control. It's a daily subject with her. We could have never ending talks about constipation. Her bowel movements have been irregular for years. It seems like no amount of stool softners or fiber or certain food will help. Only the dreaded milk of mag. Prune juice sometimes and the same goes with laxatives. My mother gets downright rude and angry with me over this......as though it's my fault she can't poop. Cussing is very common when she goes into her "constipation rampage". I just thought I would write about this to let you all know that the curse of caregiving
continues on strongly every day of my life.
I'm thinking genuine constipation is a combination of slower bowels in the aged, plus the fact that their caloric consumption (for many senior poor eaters like Mom) is drastically less - but they still expect they should "go" every day and see the same volume in the toilet as when they were 20 years younger? Therefore, every "poo" is a great success to them?
My mom rang me at work this morning to tell me she'd done a poop. What possessed to think I wanted or indeed needed to know that? She tells me every day, often in detail. Too much information!
The Only thing which has ever worked is daily intact of Miralax (polyethylene Glycol). This was recommended to her after a couple of ER visits because it got to be an issue.
On cap full with juice after dinner every night.
Problem solved!
She hates this, but she knows what will happen if she doesn't do it. I mix about 2 ounces of juice with a cap full and place it next to her dinner.
next visit to the Dr send a note ahead explaining the situation and she may listen to the Dr if given instructions to drink and eat her fuit ans veggies and keep away from the laxatives and fiber. good Luck. bowel obsessions are very common in the elderly and at any age.
"This too shall pass."
When you use those artificial ways, the abdominal gets cramps and doesn't know how to function...diarrhea also takes away the flora of the gut, does she have yogurt (with culture) in her diet?
My dad had the exact opposite problem and our days revolved around his bathroom habits. Our trips out to the Dr. or wherever revolved around pooping. Our excursions had to be timed just right or my dad would end up in front of a gas station with poop running down his leg and me wondering how to get him into the house without leaving a trail. I had to don a Hazmat suit just to clean his bathroom and I ran interference to ensure that my dad never touched anything......ever.
My heart goes out to you.