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kazzaa Posted October 2013

Mum having horrific nightmares is this the Aricept.

Have been woken up two nights in a row now by my mum screaming the house down even the CAT was frightened!

She rarely has nightmares and the screaming is pretty bad I just wake her up and make her tea to reassure her?

The nightmare she had last night was myself and my father (they are divorced 30yrs) that we were forcing her into a home?

that shes in the house on her own and its dark and something is touching her neck?

Pretty bad stuff but I think its the medication?

Anyone else relate to this im worried about her now on her own at night as i spent 2 nights a week at a friend for a break she REFUSES AGGRESIVELY when i suggest my bro stays the night?

kazzaa Oct 2013
Thanks i thought it was this ill see how it goes but I dont want her to be like this every night its upsetting her. she looks half scared when I give her the tablet. if this continues then ill take her off it although apart from that shes seems a bit perkier so difficult to know what to do.

eguillot Oct 2013
My mother had horrible dreams when she was on Aricept also, and they stopped when she went off of it. It's a terrible side effect.



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