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sharirose Posted March 2014

Just a note to say AgingCare is one of the most informative sitse out here.

I am always looking forward to your & caregivers info. Just to say Thanks Aging Care and to the caregivers out there that keep us informed. Often we feel isolated and and alone in this situation. We don't often get volunteers or family help. Your site helps us feel connected to others in this situation. Sharirose 78

assandache7 Mar 2014
"One of the most beautiful qualities of friendship is to understand and to be understood"

It's nice to know I'm not the only one!!

gladimhere Mar 2014
Very informative site for sure. My favorite parts of it is reading so many other experiences and I am always assured I am not as alone as I feel many days. Most of the caregivers on this site are the siblings that I wish I had more assistance from.


ladee1 Mar 2014
A life saver for sure... and have made some awesome friends....

BoniChak Mar 2014
I agree a million percent! I recommend this site often to friends, and people I meet in my (small) day to day life all the time. It has been a gift from God to me.

assandache7 Mar 2014
I hear ya! As my kids would say "Fo sure"....

jeannegibbs Mar 2014
Hear, hear!


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