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jeannegibbs Posted August 2014

Off topic: Book club discussion, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich

At the suggestion of ba8alou, I'm trying out the idea of an online book discussion on AgingCare. The first book I selected was "The Goldfinch." It is a long book, fiction, (Nobel Prize winner) and not yet available in paperback in the US.

I thought it might be good to also try something a little shorter, nonfiction, and readily available. In this book a journalist goes undercover to find out what living on minimum wage jobs is like.

1) The book is "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America" by Barbara Ehrenreich. It is nonfiction, but it does NOT read like a textbook!
2) It is available in paperback, hardcover, kindle, and audio. Most libraries should have it. You may also find in it your friendly neighborhood used book store.
3) The discussion date is September 22. That should give many of us time to find the book and read it. This means that comments about the book can be added to this thread ON OR AFTER September 22.
4) If you don't finish the book by that date, no problem. When you do finish it, even months from now, pull up this thread, read what others have said, and add your thoughts.
5) Anyone can read the comments anytime, but if you haven't finished it yet and intend to, be aware of the "spoiler" factor. Those who have finished the book may reveal details that you'd rather not know until you come to them in the book.

I ask that the only comments posted now are about the book club idea, but not about the content of the book. Save that until the discussion opens on Sept 22.

Veronica91 Nov 2014
The book is an easy read and the author keeps the interest to the end. But in the end it is dissappointing because it only skims the surface of life on minimum wage.
She started out with a good amount of money.clothes to wear and the fall back of continuing health insurance and a good car.
I would have been more convinced if she had spent a few nights in a homeless shelter while she found the first job or slept in her car as some of her coworkers were forced to do.
She is well educated and able to present herself professionally so there was already a better likelyhood of getting a job. there was never a health scare that took a whole weeks pay to visit a clinic.
All in all I was dissappointed and did not learn anything new. I don't know why it made the Best Seller list

OldBob1936 Nov 2014
I already gave my comment...I'll repeat...I see the author as a liberal whiner....No question this is a cruel world....


jeannegibbs Nov 2014
Anybody who has comments should feel free to start the discussion.

No need to wait longer, OldBob1936. :)

jeannegibbs Nov 2014
You might find it interesting to search for and read an article called
"How I Got Rejected From a Job at The Container Store"

OldBob1936 Oct 2014
my comments will not depend upon the comments of others...My comments are based on what I call fixed points of life's realities..

Veronica91 Oct 2014
Have read the book Jeanne and ready to put my 2 cents worth in. Anyone contemplating getting and reading it it is a very easy and quick read.

jeannegibbs Oct 2014
Is anyone currently reading this book, in preparation for discussion?

palmtrees1 Aug 2014
Jeannie, what a wonderful idea! I love to read and look forward to reading , and learning, something new and enlightening myself a bit. Thanks

Veronica91 Aug 2014
I am looking forward to reading this as I am very interested in how people do or don't cope with poverty and how more education in basic skills could really help. I bet the Capt for example always finds a way to satisfy his needs! (Keep it clean Bob this is a family show) i went on Amazon and found lots of used copies for 1 cent and up. Shipping in the US is usually $3.99 for used books but it is a good way to buy. Looking forward to the discussion Jeannie

vegaslady Aug 2014
It is so hard to refrain from commenting when you are familiar with the book. My friend read it as part of her classwork in the process of getting her second BA just a few years ago. She liked it and found it worth talking about.

Heidi73 Aug 2014
I read it a few years ago and really enjoyed it. (Kind of depressing, too, but very interesting.)

looloo Aug 2014
Read it years ago, but worth reading it again :)

jeannegibbs Aug 2014
OldBob1936, be sure to come back with your opinions about the book when we start discussing it. Book discussions work best when there are a lot of different perspectives represented.

OldBob1936 Aug 2014
Read the book and concluded that to me, the author is a liberal activist and in the overall sense, a whiner....Your opinion may vary.

assandache7 Aug 2014
Sounds good. Will check my e library.

bookluvr Aug 2014
Okay, I checked Amazon. This book is not as thick as that other book. I don't care if it had hit the Best Sellers, there's no way I was going to read a fat book. (I took one look at the Twilight book and just absolutely refused to read it.) This book is normal size. I will need to order it in Ebay. Being so far from the USA, I'm not sure how long that book will get here, maybe 4-8 weeks (Ebay/Amazon sellers tend to send it by ship). It'll come when it comes. I have no desire to pay for any books over $6 (except for my favorite authors). But before I order it, I will check our library. We don't have a used bookstore.

I've never joined a book club so I don't know how this thing goes....


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