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BoniChak Posted August 2014

My "Count my Blessings" moment. What's yours?

My sister took Mom and is keeping her for dinner tonight. 8 hours OFF! Woo hoo!

BoniChak Aug 2014
My blessing EVERY day is my sweet Maggie. I thought I would share this pic of her first day of Kindergarten. We deal with so much "old". It's nice to enjoy the YOUNG! Have a wonderful day my friends! I sure am!

BoniChak Aug 2014
My blessing today is that my brother gave me cart blanch on his Credit card to send school clothes to my Grand Children. (wound up sending a target ecard) They have been struggling and my DIL hasn't been able to work for weeks due to the worst case of morning (all day) sickness ever!
Every child should be able go to the first day of school in NEW underwear and shoes. My sweet little Maggie is going to KINDERGARTEN!!


anonymous158299 Aug 2014
i have 3 blessings . 3 tickets to see alice in nov with my son and his gf . plenty of time to plan so we'll make it a couple day visit with multiple accomplishments . cubes gf is rather shy and thinks i dont like her . of course i do she just isnt used to someone who tries to show it with actions instead of words .
i mailed the g kids a 20 dollar bill each this am . i want them to understand that holidays are not grandpas style . if you care about someone i think its rather phoney to make loving gestures based on certain prearranged holidays . i care about them every day .
im already saving with an eye for next summer when cubicle has the kids . its very expensive for him and im planning a year ahead to help him with the expenses ..

anonymous158299 Aug 2014
my quality time with edna just keeps getting better . she wonders the halls in her wheelchair most of the time unsure where she is or what she should be doing . i can tell now that the staff is relieved when i drop in each morning because she requires nearly constant attention from them . a nurse brought her to me this morning from another wing of the NH where she likes to wonder . the nurses have themselves a little smoking shed out back so if i spend an hour or two with edna they can have themselves a nice little mid morning break . i still see her care as a team effort even tho shes in nh ..
im gonna see if we can take walks . half a block to a yard sale , maybe around the block , maybe a few blocks to the goodwill store, etc . were gonna end up in that gd little truck sneaking a little country drive . thats my goal . i wont be breaking any laws , just a policy thats been put in place by pia and / or aps . i dont think nh or aps for that matter would really care if they dont know about it . ill have to see how it goes . pia is so ill that shes liable to be hospitalized soon . ALL of the nh staff are bitterly disappointed that our drives have been curtailed . id break the rules for my aunt , shed break them for me ..
pia is a lyin h#or. claims that edna cant have her recliner because only leather personal furniture is permitted . ive seen that that isnt true . pia is laying her azz back in the recliner i bought for edna and she could die in the sob and i wouldnt bat an eye .. thats really sad when personal vendettas supercede the needs of an elder with months or weeks left to live ..
patience old man ..

wannek Aug 2014
I made dinner and my parents enjoyed it. It was nice to see them eat a good meal

BoniChak Aug 2014
One more thing I am thankful for today. AC changed things up and I don't see Donald Sterlings ugly every time I log in. Thanks AC!

BoniChak Aug 2014
My blessing today was that when MOM knocked over her potty seat and it splashed EVERYWHERE in her bedroom.......That is was just pee and tp...NO POOP!
Hey, I'm trying to make lemonade here.

JeanetteB Aug 2014
So sorry debralee for your loss. Kudos to you hun for letting her live her life/passing with the dignity she deserved. I hope you find the strength to move forward now. You've accomplished a great thing and have lots of blessings.

It's hard. I know.

BoniChak Aug 2014
Great new jeanette! Have you both been sleeping?

JeanetteB Aug 2014
I think we found a perfect part time caretaker for mom! YES!! Loads of experience with AD, loads of activity experience, seems calm, nice and my dogs liked her :) Win Win. She starts Tuesday...

If she doesn't work out, well, I may just have to whine about in elsewhere ;)

pamzimmrrt Aug 2014
Go Boni!! I had started to get stuff out of the house before folks moved in/Back to it now!

blannie Aug 2014
Boni there's not a better feeling in the world than getting crap out of your house! Well maybe there's a couple more better feelings, but clearing out clutter is right up there! Glad you got that done. :)

BoniChak Aug 2014
I am blessed by knowing so many kind loving people all over the world, who understand the life I live, and support me through the tough days and make me laugh when I need it. Capt, laddee, jeanette, book, garden, veronica, emjo....too many to name, but you know who you are. My deepest appreciation and love to you all. You are truly a blessing.

BoniChak Aug 2014
So sorry for your loss Deb, I had not heard. You gave her that quality of life. She was lucky to have you.

Labs4me Aug 2014
Accepting my mother's recent passing, knowing she lived with the quality of life right up to her death. It is what she always hoped for. She died with dignity and in peace.

anonymous158299 Aug 2014
a nonhoarder will drown in that stuff boni . i definately understand what your saying . my mom and dads old house had no room left for people . i busted my flyswatter over a bats head the other night and wont even get another till this one is disposed of . if something comes in this bunker its gotta have a very definitive purpose ..
im thankful for the chicken im frying tonight because if the food chain was in a different order it'd be me in the skillet and a bunch of dam chickens sitting in my chair ..

BoniChak Aug 2014
Oh Blannie, you are not going to like my answer.
Went I took my last trip to the basement to finish the sheets, I saw a bunch of crap I have been squirreling away down there. Mom keeps accusing me of throwing her stuff away. I don't. I've been putting the broken, crappy, old nic-nacs , and plastic flowers down there, a little at a time over the last 2 years. If She were to remember something and want it, I would have brought it to her. Well she has not missed any of it!
I saw it.
She was gone.
It's garbage night.
It's GONE!
Not rest, but a definite accomplishment!

blannie Aug 2014
Boni how was your "time off"? Did you enjoy yourself? Were you able to turn off your caregiver "always on" switch? Tell us more about what you did!! :)

anonymous158299 Aug 2014
im thankful for the reconcilliation of mine and my oldest sons relationship . he just got busy with his own life and family as a young guy probably should and kinda pushed me away . we had a fine time playing in the kitchen this summer and now he emails me almost every day . the youngest son and i are fine too . hes just doing the same , shoving dad away and testing his wings . bluntman and i have been to h*ll and back together . a divorce 15 yrs ago devastated both of us . we dusted ourselves off and built us another house .
im thankful for the year my aunt and i have spent hanging out . we needed each other ..
i like this thread ..
pam , its awesome that your marriage survived the midlife phase . one day you realize ( in my case ) that you have 4 adults in the house instead of two adults and two kids . man do the dynamics change ..

BoniChak Aug 2014
I just got a video of My sons family singing "Happy Birthday" to my Grand daughter. I could almost smell the strawberries on the cake, and felt like I was right there with them. If your Grand children live far away, this newfangled technology is a definite blessing. Happy Birthday Ava!

pamstegma Aug 2014
My blessing is my Handsome Prince, who has been putting up with me for 42 years. He can fix cars, boats, motorcycles, put in boilers and air conditioning, build treehouses, remodel kitchens, put in new electric panels, fold laundry and I always get a kiss goodnight/good morning/ hello/ goodbye. (sigh)

anonymous158299 Aug 2014
lol . great thread title , ive considered the same concept too ..
alice cooper in hammond on nov 2 without the screaming motley crue . cubehead lives about 20 minutes from there . i dont know what kind of music his GF likes -- dont really care . on nov 2 shes gonna pretend to like the grandfather of shock rock ..
i wish the best for this thread . looking back on my life of 55 yrs its been slam , slam , slam .. all those a**kickins make the positive things really special ..
this summer i beat hepc and had two wonderful visits with cubic zerconium and the g kids .. now i hope to hear from the dental gal . i know dam well a connection was made even if it was just a morbid curiousity on her part . either way no harm was done by telling a mortally distressed and rejected person that i think shes hotter'n hammered h*ll .. theres a lot of difference between a cheap pick up line and a genuine compliment . i think shes smart enough to know the difference ..

BoniChak Aug 2014
LOL! I will when I'm done with some laundry. Incontinence was not kind to Momma last night. It's a GORGEOUS day, and I'm going to take a nice long walk soon.

assandache7 Aug 2014
Boni then get off AC and get out and enjoy yourself.. Lol


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