Hello: I'm caring for my 91 y/o mother who has Dementia. I had to bring her here from Mexico because my brothers and sister didn't want to care for her anymore. My sister had hired a woman who was just awful, when I went to visit in 2011 I noticed the horrendous treatment and lack of experience this person had so, since my sister wanted to just dump our mother in a low end nursing home in Mexico, I chose to bring her here. This was back in 2012 but as of now, my mother has no health insurance, no legal papers to stay here in the US, even if I'm an American Citizen, the paper work to get her legalized would take years.
My brothers and sister refuse to help financially, my husband and I are the solely responsible for her medical and personal care, we pay for everything but I know one day she might need hospitalization and I frankly am just fed up with being the only one in this boat. My daughter and husband help a bit but I'm here almost 24/7 and I just hate it.
I need help, it's getting more difficult for her to walk, I hate cleaning her up, it's hard for me alone to give her showers, this is making me very angry and frustrated.
I stopped a long time ago asking my family in Mexico to help, I shouldn't have to ask so I quit. I feel alone and abandoned by them, it's just so unfair.
I think I made a huge mistake bringing her here, I should have stayed and come to an arrangement with my siblings, at least in Mexico, she would have some kind of medical assistance. But now neither of my siblings wants her there, so Im stuck.
I hate this, and I'm stuck with it.
Market place doesn't offer much.
I proposed this to them about a year and a half ago, I wrote and called and asked but no one is willing to help so, I can't just take her back and dump her on someone's door, I wouldn't do that to a dog.
My husband and our daughters do help when I need to or want to go out for a bit, to keep an eye on her, I also leave her alone once in a while, her bedroom is just a few steps from her bathroom, she is still able to get up and go back and forth to use it, I have a gate by the stairs that I lock when I leave, I lock the doors to the other bedrooms as well.
My biggest fear is that I just don't know what we will do if and when she needs urgent care or hospitalization, all of those expenses will have to come out of our pockets. My family in Mexico think that because we live in the USA. we are rolling in dollar bills so I think that, the moment I brought her here, they made up their minds that we could afford it. My husband never complains about the expense of getting the medications, adult disposable under ware, pads, etc. he even insisted on buying an electrical bed for her to be more comfortable, we got her a memory foam mattress, she has a tv. cable, etc. I am so very grateful for that, but I feel ashamed of my siblings that are so d*mn irresponsible and have shown such an enormous lack of care and compassion for our mother. He and our daughters keep telling me to just forget about them, to just let go and I sort of have, you know? but it still bothers me and makes me furious so I guess I haven't let go completely.
Anyway, thank you for your comment, I'm glad I found this site, at least I can come her and vent a little.