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upallnight Posted November 2014

Never thought this would happen to me! Reader Beward!

I went to give my husband his medicine last night. His gatorade bottle was sitting next to his bed. He took a couple of sips and then I took a big gulp. Well guess what? IT WAS NOT GADORADE! It wa urine. Gag, gag and double gag. He used his gadorade bottle instead of his urinal. Im still not over it today. He did not ever complaine or anything. Yuck. This has just about broken me. Good God help me!! I thought I could handle just about anything but this is just too much. Its time to move the gadorade somewhere else!

my3kidsok Dec 2014
I cannot imagine, i would croak! I had to face a spilled cup of pee last week and it almost dod me in! Doesnt help the enlarged prostate medicine is always on back order. Its a pee fest around here! But you just took this to a new level of grossness! Uggghh so sorry!

anonymous158299 Dec 2014
ive actually ( accidently ) done that twice . both times the ex told one of our little boys to pee in an empty booze bottle in the car , both times upon finding it later i thought " oh hell , leftover brandy " . im not squeamish altho it tasted really bad but what pissed me off , both times the ex just couldnt hide her laughter , even much later when it should no longer have been funny . i calmly told her after a while that if it happened again id pour the remainder over her head . she had a problem like that . essentially laughing at things that werent really all that funny . one time at the va a guy was sitting near us who was dressed like a woman . the ex sat and giggled and carried on till i made my mind up that if the guy got up and knocked her clear out of her chair id have been firmly on his side . im not violent enough to lay hands on a person unless they attack me but im pretty understanding when an a**hole gets whats coming to them .


crystal791 Dec 2014
My dad uses a coffee can at night he's 93 can't stop him,he lives with us,it smells awful,he denies it but I know.
And sneaks around like a child trying to hide it. I clean it our Yuck it really gets to me!!!!

blannie Nov 2014
Just so you feel like you're in good company, "The history of drinking urine for therapeutic purposes dates back at least to the Holy Roman Empire when great urinal troths were erected in the public squares of each city-state for residents to both contribute to, and benefit from. For centuries European Gypsies have known about the curative properties of pee, using cow urine to cure Bright's Disease (several acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys which produce albumin in urine). It has also been reported that the Yogis and Lamas of Tibet reach extended ages by drinking their own urine.

Through the ages there have been literally thousands of champions of this curious practice: In the early 1800s, a book titled One Thousand Notable Things describes the use of urine to cure scurvy, relieve skin itching, cleanse wounds, and many other treatments. An 18th century French dentist praised urine as a valuable mouthwash. In England during the 1860-70s, the drinking of one's own urine was a common cure for jaundice. In more modern times, the Alaskan Eskimos have used urine as an antiseptic to treat wounds".

Mahatma Gandhi also drank his own urine daily. Bleccccch is what I say to that!! Sorry you had to go back in time to experience such an old "cure". :)

pamstegma Nov 2014
Well, that was your opportunity to check for high sugar or protein or electrolyte loss. (just kidding)

palmtrees1 Nov 2014
Jeanne's post reminded me something that happened to me years ago. I was pregnant and getting prepared for delivery. The nurse checking me into my room asked me to go into the bath room and get a urine sample. Then place it on the shelf above the toilet. When I did this I accidentally knocked someone else's sample off and it went all over me including my face. Talk about Yuk. At least you know where the sample came from!!!!!!

upallnight Nov 2014
I found a solution I want to share. I bought gatorade bottle with a top that turns. He seems to be able to use it well. I can refill the bottle with water too. This will help him not to have a mix up at his bedside. Very inexpensive solution for now. I was so upset when I posted earlier and did not spell very well.

jeannegibbs Nov 2014
Your story reminds me of the pregnant woman who couldn't find her sample cup before her appointment so she put her urine sample in a whiskey bottle. She left it on the front seat while she ran into a store quick on her way to her appointment. When she got back to the car her whiskey bottle had been stolen.

That thief was at least getting his just desserts. Poor you!

Countrymouse Nov 2014
I'm not sure I'd find it very amusing. Absolutely hilarious - but not when you're the victim. Thanks for the heads up, it's like you're sticking a warning sign in the minefield for us. Sending you hugs and virtual mouthwash...

upallnight Nov 2014
Its better for me to laugh then cry about it. Our son thought it was hysterical! I would have preffered for me to be the one laughing at him.

JeanetteB Nov 2014
Ohhh NOOOOOO!!! blech blech..... you poor dear!! Yeah, I'd say it's time to move the gadorade bottle. Thank goodness mom can't use a urinal!

Please forgive me for my uncontrollable laughter :P

lsmiami Nov 2014
People who work around a lot of computer equipment use non-still cups. Contigo is a brand name. Check out the web site. Not cheap, but do not spill and would be very difficult to "refill" inappropriately.


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