I came here to look for some support, I am caring for my elderly mother at my home and I have been for some time now. I have other siblings, but they don't want anything to do with my mother so that leaves all the care to me. My mother does nothing all day, but watch TV, chat online and complain. I think the fact that she complains constantly and doesn't appreciate anything is the biggest problem for me. i also have a 12 year old daughter that she has helped me with since her birth. My daughter is very attached to her grandmother. That's a good thing, but my mother thinks that she is now the SOLE caregiver for my daughter. My mother is very defensive and very paranoid. She complains about politics, local news, religion and anything else she can. I have tried to talk with other family members, but their response is always she is your mother and your problem. My step father passed away last year and instead of constantly fussing at him, she has now changed over to me. I am 40 years old and seriously have no life outside this home and work. I have been teased in the past with people saying "your life will begin when your mother is dead." They might be true. I also have a 20 year old son that doesn't get involved much with the situation. I just don't know how much more that I can take. I am also planning a cross country trip for a new job in Feb. 2015, which she is completely against. She has moaned and groaned about this move for months. Doing everything she can to talk me out of it and it is my dream job. I have regrets in my life that i didn't do, because she advised otherwise. I don't want anymore regrets. Sorry, this message is so long, but I hope someone can help me and maybe just say some friendly things to help me get through this time. I know someone has to understand.
How about giving your mother a choice. Either she goes into appropriate housing where you are now, because she doesn't want to move, or she goes into her own place in the city you are moving to. Stress to her that staying with you is not an option. My mother is like yours in that she is very negative and controlling and she developed paranoia lately. I decided years ago, because of her problems, that I would never take her into my home. Is the paranoia new or has it appeared or worsened recently? It could be a sign of the beginning of dementia which may sway your decisions.
You and your children deserve your own lives. It sounds like your mother has more problems than can be accommodated within your home. I am concerned about her effect on your daughter.
Start researching resources in community you are going too. I very much doubt your mother would choose to stay where you are now on her own. However, contacting local resources like the agency for aging for ideas is good.
I am 77 and my mother is 102 and I can identify with the statement "your life will begin when your mother is dead". I decided couldn't wait, and am drawing some firm boundaries.
Good luck and let us know what happens You certainly have support here.
You can't start a new job and than need time off because there is an issue with your mom on the other side of the country.
You're getting a fresh start and I think mom needs to go live as freqflyer said with people her own age, but do it at your new location. People telling you to just dump her and move are short sighted.
Bottom line you're a caregiver, you just don't turn that off. You leave her behind and issues arise and you will have a problem, you can't start a new job and say I need a week off there is an issue with my mom back home. Than add in the expense of flying at the last minute. Get her out there and start looking for places now in your new area.
Best of luck.
I know you said she would refuse to go to assistant living, but what about independent living where she would have her own apartment? Bet she would be able to do things for herself if she really wanted to, and being around people her own age she wouldn't want to look helpless.
She doesn't want you to move, but you will be moving, so she has no choice but to look at and eventually move into independent living. Visit some of the nearby places, some might even suggest you and your Mom have lunch there. You never know, she might actually like the places.
A good parent would tell you that we all make choices about our behaviors and those choices have consequences. Your mom has burned every bridge available with other family, but she still has you under her thumb. This cross-country move is the perfect time to cut the apron strings. Your children deserve a happy, healthy mom, not a mom who is consumed with making her demanding, selfish mother happy.
Try what surprise has suggested and see if you can leave her where she is. You can still visit her and advocate her, you just don't have to be with her 24/7. And keep posting on here and spend some time reading other threads. You are NOT alone! You will get a lot of support here from other caregivers. It's time to reclaim your life!
Has her parannoia and overall mental health ever been evaluated by a doctor? What does her doctor said about how much care she needs? Who is going to take care of your mother and your 12 year old daughter while you go on a cross country trip for a new job in Feb. 2015?
I am sorry to hear that your siblings do nothing which is a common theme on this site. Not much you can really do about that, but it does sound like you need your freedom from your controlling mother before she dies.