After my mother fell, I was able to place her into an assited living facility. Some of my relatives were upset that I did that. Amazing that these same " so concerned " relatives barely called and hadn't visited her in years. Trust me, I sent them a strong message. I let them all know that she is my mother not theirs and until they walk in my shoes, go somewhere sit down and be quiet. Not one of them offered any help or assistance. My mother has been in the facility now for one week and some of the changes that I see in her are amazing. She is so engaged in their social activitles and she is doing well with social interaction with the other residents. She still has her dementia moments but she is still on track due to excellent care that the staff members give to her. I visited every other day and I am just very confident that she can only get better. I have made a wise decision to put my mother in a place where she will receive the care that she needs and deserves. I am confident that if anything happens to me, she is safe.I could care less about my nosey relatives.
Butterfly, did you provide care for your mom 24/7? Does your mom experience sundowning? Does she ever think you are not her daughter because you are too old? Did she ever become agitated?