My mom has to go to bathroom 30 times in 2 hours period. She has no uti. Some days are better than other days. How do I get this habit to change. I have tried to distract by doing something but still within 2-4 minutes she is heading for the bathroom. She gets angry if I try to stop her. Dr. Has put her on urinary incontinence meds but doesn't due much. She does not have to wear depends. She goes sometimes but usually not during these episodes.
If she is indeed urinating, then why is she producing so much fluid. It could be a heart issue, since they can cause an excess of fluid in the body.
Does she have sleep apnea? That can cause one to get up during the night and pee a lot. It puts stain on the heart and the body produces more fluid.
Is it mediation she's taking? Some meds cause this.
Or if she's not urinating, but obsessed with the toilet, I would try a couple of things like keeping her out of the room except at schedule times. Take her in to sit on toilet every hour on the hour.
You say she does not have to wear depends. I"m not sure what you mean. If she's wetting her pants, then I would go with the depends to keep her dry. If it works, then I wouldn't concern myself of whether she technically needs them or not.
you are actually "retraining" her urinary impulses , this is common in stroke patients. Hope this helps!
Because I was becoming so on edge and focussed on the fact she was going all the time ( telling her she had just been, shutting the door etc ) it was actually making it worse. So as hard as it was I just ignored it and let her go 50 thousand times of that's what she wanted. Suddenly she wasn't anxious anymore. I didn't comment or make an issue around the toilet.., maybe give that a go for a while. If it isn't an infection as it wasn't with my mum, then it most likely is anxiety around the fact that she might be restricted from using the toilet.