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Shellee Posted October 2015

Siblings come out of woodwork at the end.

Four siblings, two did nothing, no calls, very few visits in twenty years. I had dad 12 years and one brother has had him 10 years. Dad is 82 and in bad health. One sister who always made it clear she's not doing anything because dad doesn't do anything for her is now coming out of the woodwork. Showing major interest, asking dad for personal items, wanting to help, etc. there is money to be inherited and I think that's the only reason she's around. What should I do? I am the one to handle the will and power of attorney. I'm very hurt and disappointed in her because we are very close. Any suggestions?

Whitney Oct 2015
Possibly you should contact an attorney, and hopefully he/she will give you advice. I hope your dad is leaving more of the inheritance to you and your brother since you and he did all of the caregiving. It is very distressing when siblings put money before a sibling relationship, and you may be better off without having a sibling relationship with your sister, if that's the kind of person she is. You sound great, but it wasn't fair of your sister not to help you and your brother. I hope it doesn't lead to any legal dispute, but keep all emails, etc. (any written communication between you and your sister) hopefully where she stated that she refused to help out, etc.

cwillie Oct 2015
The assets will have to be divided as the Will states whether your sibs help or not, your hands are tied in that respect. I would welcome your sister's help, in fact make sure to accept as much help as she is willing to give, it doesn't really matter what her motives are. You have poa, so she shouldn't be able to get at his bank accounts without you noticing, and as for asking for items, it wouldn't hurt to lock up any small valuables since there are probably caregivers coming into the home ;)



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