My mum moved to london to be near myself .daughter .from banbury she had sheltered housing.prior to moving was in hospital for 3 months . Its been a very trying time for all of my family and mum. I cannot have her live at my house as we havent the room . She is so unhappy .evert i go theres always a problem i had her at my home on sun for lunch she did nothing but moan all day . When we took her bk i washed and put her to bed but was crying and screaming .i cannot mentally cope with this . I said do u want to move ? The home ans staff are brilliant and its 5 mins from my house. I no its a big thing moving from home to this environment its been 8 weeks now may be 9 but is not attempting to meet half way. Please help
She probably does need medication. Can you talk to the director of nursing or the social worker there? Maybe she is happy sometimes when you aren't there. Maybe in a week or three she won't hate it so much because it will be more familiar.
For the sake of both of you, choose not to feel guilty. Choose to be compassionate. Give her sympathy and hugs. That will feel good to both of you. Her life is hard, but that's not your fault.