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Hadnuff Posted May 2016

No help from husband settling moms estate.

He wanted nothing to do with helping me with mom while she was alive. Except for driving me to visit her in hospital, or rehab. And a couple of times I had to go with her to doctor appointments and asked husband to drive me. Years ago, I made a suggestion about handling something with his father. He got a little angry. He said I 'll take care of my father and you take. care of your mother. He saw how much work I was doing a few days ago for mom's stuff. He said you should buy yourself something really nice. That's his support. There isn't much he can do but still I feel alone, and. getting overwhelmed again. I have complications. Not. Just normal estate work.

Rainmom May 2016
I'm going to be blunt here - I'm not trying to be hurtful or mean and I'm apologizing ahead of time if I sounds like I am. Okay - maybe your husband is just worn out by it all. For seven months I've been reading your posts - you say you have a serious problem with anxiety. You say you've been treated for it in the past. In numerous posts this has been your primary issue and you've received dozens of helpful suggestions to return to your doctor, resume therapy and to consider new and/or different medications to help you. It appears you do not follow through on that advice but instead move from problem to problem further upsetting and impairing yourself. Perhaps in your husbands case it is much like living with an alcoholic or drug addict. Until you are willing to deal with the problem yourself - seek and accept help - most anything your husband does will only further enable you to avoid the core issue.

Hadnuff May 2016
I'm better off with him. This is just difficult, emotionally. I did take a two day break before. I need to keep taking occational breaks. From the stress. I also need to work on my negative attitude and anxiety.


jeannegibbs May 2016
This has been a problem that you've talked about since you first started posting. You do not have a supportive, helpful husband. And it sounds like he is in denial about your mental health issues.

Think of all the reasons you are still married to him. Do they still make sense? (Notice that Jessie mentions her EX husband.)

If you were single, you'd have to do all this alone. So somehow you'd figure out how to get it done. Do that. And then give you marriage a long hard look. Are you better off with him or without him?

JessieBelle May 2016
Some men are like that. They take care of their matters and expect you to take care of yours. They don't have your back on much of anything. My ex was like that. The best thing to do is to not expect anything from them and do the things that need to be done. Sadly, I have found that this is a good thing to do with the population as a whole. We would hope it would be different with our spouses, but some spouses just aren't the loving kind.

anonymous179890 May 2016
In all fairness I think many men bury their heads in the sand and hope whatever it is will go away.

anonymous158299 May 2016
i love women who " pretend " to be submissive , and i cannot lie -- but -- i also love it when a woman stands up and says " youre being an unhelpful butt hole and i need some support here ..
thats a turn on too .

get in your husbands @s$ .

none of us are exempt from a good attitude adjustment ..

vicky64 May 2016
Hadnuff! Take a big breathe, exhale slowly, repeat as often as necessary. Ashlynne had a great idea. The list and then prioritize and take ONE STEP at a time! Lawyers do not seem to be in a big hurry, but maybe they just have so much going that they pace themselves really well!! I do understand your frustration without the moral support.. But YOU ARE DOING GREAT! Remember, one step at a time.

freqflyer May 2016
Hadnuff, your hubby must be related to my sig other... he thinks he is going above and beyond whenever he drives me somewhere or he needed to drive my parents. He doesn't understand I am carrying 80% of the load with everything else involved... no wonder I am exhausted.

Is your hubby pretty much of the attitude of "your parent, your problem"? Whatever happened to team work among couples :P Believe me, I have a long memory and won't forget this for the future.

anonymous179890 May 2016
I suggest you write a list of all that needs to be done then re-list it in order of priority. Check the list off (and add notes if necessary) as you go. I always have a running to do list going or I get sidetracked and nothing really gets completed.


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