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anonymous281963 Posted August 2016

Caregivers behaving badly.

Ever just want to tear your hair out, or someone else's? If you cannot restore a sense of balance, you will run away from home? Just want to say some things without the constraints of staying on topic? Well, this thread is for you! If you just need a short break to let it all hang out, be a brat, then come on, you can do it. No holding back! Go for it, you can do it.

NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2021

That’s a big savings over a long stretch of time. It all adds up!

pamzimmrrt Mar 2021
well, I have figured out a way to get out of paying the parking garage at work $13 a day ... thank goodness for co-workers who figured it out first! I still have to pay once in awhile,, but any savings is great these days! It was free when we were all "COVID heros" but now we are just chopped liver!


cwillie Mar 2021
Holy smoke, no comments here since October! Is no one being bad any more?
Nobody running through the nursing home doors maskless?
Writing snarky letters to the editor about the crappy care their loved ones are getting since the pandemic?
Going out to party hearty with no regard to mandated restrictions?
Or maybe isolating at home and indulging in all their secret vices?

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
I was just telling a poster to vent on this thread due to the sense of humor here.

It’s a great thread, just skimmed a few posts. Cwille, interesting drink! Maybe, I’ll try one of those. Or just enjoy my usual drink, gin and tonic. 😊

On second thought! It is October. My grandma was German so perhaps I should have a beer!

Hahaha, my grandma never drank. Grandpa was from England and he loved a good drink every now and then.

My parents never drank. Some of my uncles did. One was even a bootlegger during prohibition and made a fortune!

My uncle had a legitimate lucrative business but he made more bootlegging, paid cash for his beautiful home!

Everyone has that interesting person in their family! Maybe more than one.

BurntCaregiver Aug 2020
I hate being a caregiver. It's like I'm stuck in the seventh level of hell and can't get out. Not only am I one at home to my elderly parent but I also am employed as one and can't find another type of job. It's been my life for years and it seems as if I've lost any sense of compassion or empathy. I function more like a robot and have for a long time. Listen to the complaining, try to avoid the fights clients and parent try to instigate daily, and clean up the p*ss and sh*t. There has to be a way out.

Sendhelp Aug 2020
Ordering grocery online is new to me. But I think that I got carried away, what with the threat of earthquakes, fires, and Covid shortages. Bought two of everything and then stocked up on emergency foods. And, enough tea for a year. Then hubs wants me to order some grape juice...too late.
Now, after shopping so much, I am having age related tiredness on a Saturday night.
Caregivers! Live a little while you are still young enough. Do not wait for retirement. 👩‍🦳️

Saying goodnight now.

luckylu Jul 2020
Cheers to you cwillie~Hawaiian punch down the hatch for me~

Sendhelp Jul 2020
Make mine a ginger lemonade, please. 🍻

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2020
Raising a glass, CW!

cwillie Jul 2020
I recently discovered the shandy, a beer cocktail that I had previously shied away from because it sounded weird, but now I realize it is the perfect summer drink🍺. If I was still a caregiver I would be behaving badly but since I am not any longer I guess I'm just an old lady who drinks - to avoid drinking alone I encourage everyone here to have a drink with me..... 🍻🥂 cheers!

BarbChicago Jul 2020
It’s been a tough run-up to the 4th, nightly fireworks til early morning hours. The 4th was wild. Dog sheltered in the bath tub, husband asking to call police (useless in these cases) and fireworks everywhere, M-80’s, bottle rockets, and every kind imaginable from dusk until approximately 12:30 am. Just a continuous barrage. Fortunately, Sunday night was quiet, fingers crossed everybody ran out of ammunition.

Sendhelp Jul 2020
There were bombs going off outside my window last night, and rockets red glare.

Gershun Jun 2020
Lol Send

Sendhelp Jun 2020
Well, I am not thinking of murder hornets anymore!

Sendhelp Jun 2020
If you see one, scream bloody murder!!! 🐝

Gershun Jun 2020
Just kill the bastards....I say.

I'll just continue taking tylenol.

Sendhelp Jun 2020
They, the famous "THEY" people are researching a drug to be made from the venoms of murder hornets. A drug for pain!

Source: National Geographic

Gershun Jun 2020

No, will not think about them.

But what if? And then....


Gershun Jun 2020
Yes, will not think about murder hornets.😶

Sendhelp Jun 2020
No worries Gershun! I will send you some hairspray with Argan oil in it.

I was just now going to look up murder hornets, but Luckylu told me about them in about March, I think. As I was searching, there was a video titled: "Ten insects scarier than murder hornets".

So I am not going to even start, not even going to look.
Too much time on the internet. Too much other stuff happening.

Gershun Jun 2020
That's old news? Oh.......🤔

cwillie Jun 2020
Where have you been Gershun, that's old news..... 🤣

Gershun Jun 2020
Don't mean to scare anyone but on the news they've been talking about these giant hornets from Asia that are making their way here. They're called murder hornets.

Yep, murder hornets! As if the idea of giant hornets isn't scary enough!. 😟

FrazzledMama Jun 2020
Pam, I feel your pain. I am that way with wasps. I seriously think I would get into a wreck if I was driving along and one flew in. It would give me a heart attack. At the car wash, I don't think I'd have been as brave as you. I might've gotten washed along with my car!

Sendhelp Jun 2020
There were some flies gathering at the rear of my driveway. I had taken the new hairspray outside because it would have made my bird sick, after trying it once. So I grabbed the hairspray and the flies dropped to the ground. It is my new go-to for outdoor bug spray. It has Argan Oil in it. Can you imagine what that does to our lungs indoors?

worriedinCali Jun 2020
OMG Pam! You showed incredibly restraint! I HATE spiders. They terrify me. Over the weekend I had one jump out unexpectedly and for once I didn’t scream at the top of my lungs! I was pulling hubbies clothes out of the hamper in the bathroom and tossing them in to a basket so I could wash them. I had tossed a pile of the kids clothes on the floor and when I picked up the pile to put it back in the hamper, a huge brown spider jumped out and made a mad dash toward the tub! Normally I would have screamed and ran out yelling for my hubby or son to go kill it this time I ran over and stomped on it! And normally I don’t wear shoes in the house too but this day I still had them on. Now if I had been in the car wash, I probably would have been screaming and crying by the time the car was out of the wash!

Gershun Jun 2020
I had a duel with a bug once. I've never identified what it was. I was in bed and my cat at the time who used to sleep on the pillow beside me alerted me to an ugly bug crawling beside my head. I jumped up and pulled all the sheets off the bed and eventually cornered the stupid thing in the kitchen under the stove. I had no bug spray so I sprayed it with hairspray. The next morning I crept out of bed and couldn't see it anywhere so I did my morning routine and walked back into the kitchen. There it was, dead in the middle of the floor. It's like it crawled out from behind the stove and said "okay, you win" ☺

luckylu Jun 2020
That mustv'e ben awful Pam!
One time,I had a mouse in my car that scared me to death.I never found it to get rid of it either,but like you,I couldn't get home fast enough~

pamzimmrrt Jun 2020
Well I don't know if I behaved badly,, but I showed sensible restraint! I picked up the mail, threw it on the seat.. stopped at the pharmacy for Moms meds, then went to the car wash. While I was in the wash.. I picked up the mail to look through it. A big spider leapt out onto my lap! My first impulse was to open the door and jump out.. but heck I am in the running car wash! So after doing the unhappy dance I got the spider on the floor.. I think.. Then I bravely picked up the rest of the mail..another spider.. squished him between the mail and tossed it back on the seat! Tried not to look on the floor on the way home.. but boy did I get out fast at home!

Sendhelp Jun 2020
Of course you can post here CWillie. But only if you are being bad.

Staying in bed covers that requirement. Did you have a donut too?

I only got up long enough for live-streaming church at 10 a.m.
Then stayed in bed all day, as Tweety-bird was zooming me, trying to get my attention. Actually fell asleep during a sermon on Revelations, and now I will not know how the world ends. Lol.

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