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JB0928 Posted January 2017

Thankful reflection for all of you.

I haven't been out here in some time and didn't want to let any more time go by without coming back to say thank you, thank you, thank you to this board. When I came here in 2015 I was in throes of what seemed like a growing h*ll with my parents health and living situation and this place really gave me a lifeline I didn't really understand I needed. Soon, I found myself here every day reading and learning what so many of you had been through, were going through or were just starting down the path of care giving.

I know a lot on this board has been through h*ll and back, often many times, yet selflessly give to others here day in and day out, sometimes answering the same questions that have been asked, showing compassion, loving on folks like me who were lost in a new alternate reality we neither planned for or wanted.

When I see a Vet anywhere and we're talking I always thank him or her for their service. So I will do the same here, thank you all for your tireless service. I pray that 2017 will find you well and at peace wherever life may lead.

JB0928 Jan 2017
Hi Jessie, I'm doing okay. Just been a lot to do since mom died and my dad is in memory care. First holidays were a little tough, but I got through it. I think my husband had a harder time as he and my mom were pretty close. Definitely been some big adjustments that's for sure. Now I'm trying to get their house prepped to sell and the sooner that can go the better. That's as much as burden as anything right now. I had hoped to get it done before year end but I came down with a nastier than usual sinus infection that eventually had to be treated which set me back. As bad as I felt at the time, I wasn't thinking about anything other than recovering. So now in this new year I'm hoping to get that settled and find more of my life again. Glad to see you and Sunny are still here.

JessieBelle Jan 2017
((((JB0928)))) This is such a sweet thing for you to say. I remember you well. How are you doing now?


Sunnygirl1 Jan 2017
What a lovely post. How inspiring of you you to still think of others. Thank you for sharing.

I sometimes wonder if my life will always been the way it is now. I can't really imagine it any other way now. Still, the friends that I have met here and the love and support received are immeasurable.


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