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BootShopGirl Posted November 2017

Anyone else have a dementia "stasher" of pills, jewelry, or money? What crazy places has it been found in?

My mom is a master stasher. I have found wedding ring in the q-tip box and yesterday looked for 24 hours a new rx of hers. I spend lots of time digging in the trash can. Found stuff in sugar bowl and pinned to her clothes in closet. What about you? Come on and give me a laugh!

Rosyday Dec 2017
Half dollars filling a rusty coffee can amidst old paint and misc cans. Jewelry in a bandaid box, paper cash in the middle of newspapers. This is why I am clearing out the house myself.

pamzimmrrt Dec 2017
When my in laws moved into anew home with BIL, SIL put me in charge of tossing/sorting all her bathroom stuff. I found coins in tons of old medicine bottles! I mean like 20! I dumped all the change into a regular jar, and tossed the medicine bottles. Hope that's all i tossed.. LOL


Windyridge Dec 2017
I just moved my folks into care (FINALLY!!) and have been going through the house. In moms “known” hiding places I found over $900 in cash, then another $50 in a little jewelry purse in the back of a cluttered drawer.

Sendhelp Dec 2017
Just don't get it..
If it's hidden, and I can't find it.....
What good is it?
I think that I need to plan ahead a little, for when the housekeeper comes.

meallen Dec 2017
Thrilled people are finding money. I just get snotty paper hankies.

HolidayEnd Dec 2017
Mom stole all my father’s important papers and would move the hiding place around. And would run interference if I, while searching, was getting ‘warm’ (getting closer) to the hiding place.

I’m sorry but being in a large house looking for things you desperately need to get the demented one proper care is not funny. Nor is the ‘Easter egg hunts’ my mom would take us on!

MountainMoose Dec 2017
Mom had three soiled maxi-pads that I can't find...

BootShopGirl Dec 2017
Abracadabra! Picked up an old eyeglass case and there were the missing keys that have been lost f o r e v e r !

Hugemom Dec 2017
My mother didn’t “stash”, she flung. If she didn’t want something, she’d fling it out the door of her room! The aides often told me they had to be careful walking past her room because they never knew what would come flying out her door!

We got a case of the missing undies regularly 🤢 if she dribbles off they go!! It was comical till thanksgiving at 3am n she got the runs n I had to search for em them round 2 she hid the diaper also smh needless to say thanksgiving started off pretty sh*tty and I never did get to go back to bed tht night😫

cwillie Nov 2017
Rumour had it that an uncle had money buried in mason jars all over his farm and hidden in the barn, my cousin has never let on whether or not he had found anything.

Mincemeat Nov 2017
Mason Jar full of old silver dollars hidden in well pit on old farm....spiders were standing guard...yikes

Windyridge Nov 2017
Cleaning out my great uncles place many years ago (old bachelor farmer veteran ) my dad found a stack of old ww2 GI disability checks in a cigar box. The local bank had to do a little research but they were still valid and it came to about $50K.

My wife and SIL we’re going through their spinster aunts house after her death. While throwing dozens of old purses into a box for goodwill one purse seemed heavier. About $20K heavier it turns out.

About a year ago I was trying to declutter my dads (87 with dementia) room a little while he was outside puttering with his flowers. He had a small bookcase full of old vcr movies. As I’m boxing them up one cassette felt a little fatter. As I took the cassette out of the box I saw $500 inside. The vcr title? JOHNNY CASH - GREATEST HITS

BootShopGirl Nov 2017
Lost her wedding ring again. Found it in the bathroom in between 2 packs of wet ones wipes. Found the life alert necklace too. All in all, a Happy Thanksgiving ending!

MsMadge Nov 2017
Don't forget to check socks
Mom used to laugh and say she had socked some money away

Rosyday Nov 2017
I worked at a library and we often received donations of books from people clearing out parent's house. Often found money, pictures, etc. Our director was super honest and called the donors for anything over $10. Once we found around $1,000. Also found birth certificates, car and house titles, love letters, you name it. You can bet I'm looking through mom's books.

JoAnn29 Nov 2017
If Mom is hiding medication it's time for you to take over. Use a locked drawer or box. With my Mom we were able to put them on a shelf above her head and nephew gave her the meds. A friend's husband put his wallet in his pants pocket and hung them over a chair every night. One morning he came to his wife and said he lost his pants. She looked everywhere. The stove, the microwave, etc. She finally found them way under the mattress of his bed. By that time she had told him that without his keys and license he couldn't drive so she hid the wallet.

RebeccaCP Nov 2017
I wish I could find the stash location! My husband and I, along with the companion who comes in 18 hours a week, would love to know where a cordless phone, a driver's license, cash, disabled placards, litter-robot instructions, show tickets, an insurance renewal questionnaire, etc. have disappeared to! Until I find the stash, I just consider her apartment to be a big black hole!

pamzimmrrt Nov 2017
We once found a large wad of cash stashed behind the phone in the kitchen. We had looked everywhere for it! ( it was gambling money dad was "in charge of" at the casino!) My folks stashed cash everywhere,, and I knew a lot of the places.. but when they suddenly had to move in with me,,I searched the house before bringing dad here. I found thousands! My friend had come to help me move dad,, on the way home I told her if I wrecked.. grab the money bag first!!

BootShopGirl Nov 2017
I love these stories! Keep them coming. I'm feeling like I'm not alone its like a carnival of stories, Happiness on a stick!

Sendhelp Nov 2017
My friend told me she is hiding money in the pages of books.

igloo572 Nov 2017
When my late Mom was in IL, she would unscrew flashlights, remove the batteries and refill them with jewelry & wadded up $. For more fun in this, she had several flashlights hanging from door handles throughout the IL apt & yeah she filled all. Discovered this when looking under her bed for a missing earring and couldn’t get flashlight to work.

Ages ago a dear friends dad died (hit his head while lighting heater, passed out w/concussion and found dead days later), & while clearing out the stacks & stacks of books, one fell from high shelf and an old $20 sailed out...... we literally froze, stopped & reopened all packed boxes. Oodles of old cash, he figured it was probably his mom who hid the $ as there was $ hidden in sewing pattern envelopes too. She died in 1970’s and his dad pretty well left house just as if she was still there.

97yroldmom Nov 2017
We recently had a big search for the missing dentures. Looked in all the usual places. Under cushions. Under her pillow. In her chair. In her pockets. Nada.
I tipped her new recliner up and a stale bean taco fell out. No teeth.
On went the gloves and I went through all the garbage. She has a habit of wrapping her teeth in a napkin. I've almost thrown them away in the past. I knew they had to be somewhere but where??!!
Everyone in her care team looked. I kept saying they have to be here somewhere. New care taker three days later handed her a pair of flannel lined jeans to put on. Aunt always turns the hem up before she puts them on. Something hard in the hem turned out to be the teeth! They had been washed and dried and hung in the closet. A hole in the pocket was the problem. Saved my life is how I felt. I had been dreading the multiple trips to the dentist that I knew were in my future if we didn't find them. After they were found it almost seemed logical that they would be there in the pants. I had squeezed the pockets of all her clothes when searching. If I had put my hand in the pocket I'm not sure if the hole would have been enough to inform me to look further? I was grateful.

Countrymouse Nov 2017
I found the deeds to mother's house in among years of old holiday brochures which I was tipping in to the recycling bin. House, Holidays. Sort of filing mistake anyone could make, really. In 2007, that was, during Operation Paper Purge. I'm nearly over it.

Sunnygirl1 Nov 2017
I still haven't found some valuables and it's been years. I now suspect that she gave them away before we discovered her dementia. I've looked real good, too.

I did find the cable box in the kitchen cupboard once. I'm not kidding. Of course, she told me that she didn't put it there. lol

Dorianne Nov 2017
After Grandad passed in 2002, we found a heavy box of real silver coins - about $500 worth as currency (lots of silver half dollars) - buried in the sawdust under the table saw in his garage. A few of them (we're Canadian) date back to King George V (Queen Elizabeth's grandfather). I'm kind of a history buff, so Mom gave the box to me. I haven't done anything with them except admire them.

Grandad didn't have dementia, but it was a funny place to find a box of money, so I thought I'd share. :-)


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