For the past 2 years my mother has been sliding down the rabbit hole. Periods of great confusion, paranoia (well she's always been paranoid) short term memory worsening. Two weeks ago she got the flu as did many of the residents in her AL. No visiting. I've talked to on the phone daily. When the flu was worst she was worse than ever, confused, angry , thought I hadn't called. Then she got better. For the past 3 days it's as if her mind's function has rolled back ten years. Conversations are coherent. We were able to talk about selling her house...she brought it up. I don't know how long this will last. It is eerie when I've become accustomed to incoherence and anger.
Now.... stand on one side and grab the edge of the sheet farthest away from you...gently roll her toward you by pulling on the sheet. Get her to put her leg (top on) bent toward you. Now she is stable..walk around her and wash her back side.... now, carefully have her straighten that top,leg...roll her toward you by first lower her ttill she is flat on her roll her toward you. Same technique as before. Walk back around her and wash her back side.
This time...roll the sheet till you can tuck it under her while she is still on her side.
Now roll her gently till she is back laying on her back...go to the other side...roll her over gently till you can pull the sheet out from under her.
Lay her back down. You now have her clean and the wet sheet in you hand. Done.