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Rachetball12 Posted March 2018

Switching to regular insurance after having Medicare/Medicaid?

I am not a senior but am currently disabled and on Medicare and Medicaid insurances. If I start working again and enroll in a regular health and dental insurance plan, will I be hit with a pre-existing condition clause?

Stehle Mar 2018
Okay. I appreciate the thought processes here. A little more information may be necessary. I have been disabled since 2000 - 2001. I do collect SSI Disability income. ($750 per month) and also currently receive Florida Medicaid's health insurance and have done so for the past 17 years. I have no other income and about $40 in bank account.

(Comas, bacterial meningitis, strokes, spinal surgeries, one side completely closed on the carotid artery... etc, etc... can do that to you, but I digress. Needless to say I'm "still breathing" and the brain comprehends very quickly.)

I list those health issues above only to demonstrate the availability of "pre-existing" conditions" that 'private' insurance will look at .

My residence now (That I currently reside in.), is on a farm (acreage); which I can no longer maintain. Up keep, maintenance and this Florida heat are the primary reasons for the sale.

I have found a quaint, but much smaller home for my ex-wife and I in this neighborhood (familiar area) that I will purchase. I am 2 years shy of Social Security eligibility should I choose that option.

The buyer may lack the financing, but I like their family and would like to see my life's work carried on. Ergo holding a note for the buyer. [See Original Medicaid question above.]

(Sue & Becky I thank you so VERY much for your time and input. I will try to do that.) :-)
[Sue the answers to your questions are yes, yes & yes.]

As you may or may not understand I have never played well with government entities. I will explain... numbness in face from meningitis, stroke & artery issue make speech for me difficult. Phone conversations are not recommended unless you can interpret the sounds I utter. Face to face is better, but you can only stand "What did he / you say?" so many times in a conversation. Writing is out too, just a meaningless scrawl.

Anymore advice?

[Two hours to type this.]

anonymous439773 Mar 2018
Check with the Florida Medicaid office or with your Medicaid county caseworker. Medicaid is administered by each state and they all have different rules.


SueC1957 Mar 2018
I was under the assumption a person had to be "poverty level" to get on Medicaid.

In California the limit for a single person to earn is $1,300./month GROSS (not "net" or take home) and for a married couple $1800./month gross.  Barely livable here.

As I'm comprehending your situation, your income is Social Security Disability.
You own a home but want to buy another one? Will you sell the first home and live in the new home?

You'll spend all your reserve money on the down payment for the new one. Right?

In California, only your income is counted, as far as I know. I don't know about Florida.
I would think as long as you don't have 2 homes and get money (income) be renting one, you should be OK.

But PLEASE call the Medicaid Office to find out for sure.
As long as your SSI Disability payment hasn't gone up, I would think you'd be OK but do check before you buy.

Stehle Mar 2018
My Upper Post Typo: by = buy

(Perhaps this the wrong topic for my question and I'm sorry, but one sees how distraught the disabled can be.)

Again, I apologize if it is.

Stehle Mar 2018
Can I hold a mortgage on a property / home sale that I own now and still stay on my Florida Medicaid (I have been on Medicaid for 17 years.) I will by a new home within 3 months and spend most the down-payment, so SSI Disability is good with it.

I'm just afraid I'll lose my Florida Medicaid benefits.


Rachetball12 Mar 2018
Ok, thank you for your replies!

SueC1957 Mar 2018
Will you still have the disability when working? Or will you be considered "cured or healed"?

I guess it would depend if you are free of your disability when you go back to work.

If you would still have a permanent disability then it would depend on the insurance carrier.

Pre-existing disabilities were thrown out and everyone is accepted into any insurance during the Obama years. But, Obamacare is on its way out and Trumpcare may have new rules and regulations.

Find out who the health insurance company is of your prospective employer and ask them this question BEFORE you take the job.

anonymous439773 Mar 2018
Right now under Obama care pre-existing conditions do not count. But, I would double check. There have been many changes in the last year.


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