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Staffbull18 Posted March 2018

I don’t know what to believe but as I posted before it seems that when my mom is visiting others she is alert...

But then I drive down and she is talking with her physical therapist I go get her lunch and she eats and then she is falling asleep and saying things. I ask her what she is saying she gets angry with me. she is in a rehabilitation nursing home. I went down Thursday and we were meeting with the banker and she was fine with her therapist and then I am there she is mumbling and I keep telling her she has to be alert for the bank. Then I talk to her about her bills and as I posted before it’s bad she is in collections and I set up a payment plan and I explained to her that once we get everything done she will have $650 left over she is so secretive and had to be in control so she is pi$$ed off because I see what she is doing. I am on her bank account and I had her write a check for a small contractor who has been waiting for his money for months and I said I will just transfer the money. She got so angry and she told me she had to get it from an account well she called the same place and account that I was going to call anyway. I am serious by 9 yesterday morning I was frazzled. She said she made a payment on my daddy’s marker well that’s a year ago. Well I drove home because they were supposed to get a blizzard and this is huge for me. There is nothing I can do and all she does is yell at me and sleep. But then I’m worried now because my cousin was there last night and she was acting the same way. I did tell her doctor that she only took her gabepentin at night they’re giving her it three times a day and I want her checked out for a UTI and I am an hour and a half away and I am so exhausted from spending one night and then they didn’t get the snow. I just tried calling her and she fell asleep on the phone so I am starting to really worry about her. I don’t know what to believe sometimes because all she does is lie. Do I go back down there, but I can barely move as you know I have some very serious medical issues and this stress is not helping. I don’t know if there is a question but I need to vent thank you

Staffbull18 Mar 2018
Sorry anyway I left for college And got married she has always been awful with money. She is diabetic and while we were in the Bahamas she was supposed to go to the hospital the day before we left and then the day after she finally went five days later she had her big toe and part of her foot amputated she takes a pill but she doesn’t watch her diet and eats sweeties and drinks soda all day and then she doesn’t eat anything else or she acts like she doesn’t eat her tests all show her diabetes medication is working see she has issues with eating or admitting she ate she is obsessed with talking about food and she always makes comments about how fat someone got but she weighs 230 pounds see she also took me to weight watchers when I was 10 years old and 39 years later I am still fighting anorexia sorry off topic but she takes all her medication as prescribed except she only took her gabepentin at night it was for nerve pain and she only took her Ativan at night When dealing with money she is a complete control freak and she has had issues with lottery tickets of course I never believed my brother until I went to get a pen out of her purse and I found a stack of them I stopped counting at 300 worth they were not 1 dollar ones either

Staffbull18 Mar 2018
She always lied she was a yeller but when I left our relationship changed and she didn’t yell at me but now I see what my brother has been dealing with all his life he pays her cash rent


jeannegibbs Mar 2018
You vent away! I hope it relieves some pressure.

Your profile says mom has diabetes. Is it possible at this point that she also has dementia? Is her current behavior consistent with her lifelong personality, or is it relatively new? Has lying been typical? Has she always been a yeller?

I took gabepentin for sciatica, so I think of it as a pain pill. What is your mother taking it for? How do you know she is only taking it once a day? What does she do with the other 2 pills each day? Is she on other medication? Does she take it as directed?

How well is her diabetes being managed? What is her latest A1C? Is she on insulin? Pills?

Her financial situation is another issue. But first I'd like to understand her medical condition -- if you want to talk about it. If you just want to vent, that is perfectly OK, too. I'm sending you a cyber hug and a pat on the back. This is HARD. Don't be hard on yourself, the situation is challenging enough without adding to it with guilt.


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